A Research on Subject Verb Agreement

 Subject Verb Agreement


Subject Verb Agreement 

1.Time and tide wait for none.

2.Crown and glory exist together. 

3.Many sheep are grazing in the field. [✔]
(Many sheeps are grazing in the field. [X])

4.There are many fish in the pond [✔]
There are many fishes in the pond [x]

5. A pair of shoes is placed in the corner.

6.This pair of scissors is good for tailors.

7.The gentry were invited . 

8.The poultry are sold. 

9.Five rupees is not a big amount. 

10.Six kilograms of potato costs Rs.10 in wholesale market.

11.Some of the milk is split.

12.A regiment of soldiers is sent to border.[✔]
A regiment of soldiers are sent to border.[X]

13.A number of students are present. 

14.The number of students is five.

15.Both are happy.

16.Many were invited.

17.A lot of hustle and bustle was there in the fair.

18.Neither you nor I am willing to do it. 

19.Either Ram or Sita has broken the glass.

20.Every boy and girl is anxious to there.

21.Walking is good for health(Gerund) 

22.To tell lies is bad. 

23.More teachers than one are late.

24.He need not ask me any questions. 

25.Not she but her friends are guilty.

26.She and not her friends is guilty.

27.She wishes she were a bird [✔]
She wishes she was a bird(x)

28.If I were you, I would have told her to leave the room.

29.Unfair means were used on a large scale. 

30.The means you have adopted is not fair.
