By Anton Chekhov   


(Landowner)(Age-70) (Chubukov)

Chubukov’s daughter (Age-25) (Natalya)

(Suspicious landowner) (Age-35) (Lomov)

A.MCQ & Answers 
1.The Proposal is a ---- a) one-act play .
2. The Proposal was originally written in – a) Russian .
3. The Proposal was first performed in –a) 1890.
4. The Proposal was written by -------a) Anton Chekhov.
5. Anton Chekhov was a ------a) Russian physician .
6.Lomov is in his ----a)mid-thirties (35 years, a critical age).
7.Chubukov is in his –a)seventies (70 years).
8.Natalya is ---(a) twenty five. 
9.The play is set in the rural countryside of ---(a) Russia ( in Chubukov’s country-house).
10. Chubukov is a ---(a) landowner .
11.Lomov is ---(a) suspicious landowner .
12.Lomov wore ---(a) a dress jacket and white glove.
13. ‘dress-jacket’ refers to ---(a) short coat .
14. ‘get-up’refers to ---(a)style of dress .
15. ‘New Years Eve’ is the day of ---(a) 31 December.
16. He’s come to borrow money ! - The speaker is ---(a) Chubukov. 
He is ---(a) Lomov .
17.Lomov suffers from ---(a) palpitation.
18. Lomov begins to get off to sleep there’s another pull! And this may happen ---(a) twenty times.
19..Natalya is ------ well educated.
20. Natalya is like a---(a) love sick cat (very much in love )
21.Natalya is an ---(a) excellent housekeeper .
22. Natalya is not ---(a) bad-looking.
23.Natalya is ---(a) well educated.
24. “Go; there is a merchant come for his goods” –Here the merchant is ---(a) Lomov 
25.Natalya wore ---(a) apron and negligee .
26. ‘Negligee’ refers to ---(a) loose gown .
27. Natalya is shelling peas for ---(a)drying .
28. Lomov inherited his land from his ---(a) late aunt and her husband.
29.Oxen Meadows touch ---(a) birchwood .
30.The Lomovs and Chubukovs have always had the most ---(a)friendly
31. Oxen Meadows are wedged in between ---(a) Birchwood and Burnt Marsh.
32.The peasants belonging to Chubukov’s father’s grandfather had the free use of Meadows for ---(a)forty years 
33.According to Natalya they had the land for nearly---(a) three hundred years .
34.Meadows only come to ---(a) five dessiatins (13.5 acres)
35.Meadows are worth perhaps ---(a) 300 roubles .
36. “roubles” refers to ---(a) Russian Currency.
37.Natalya told Lomov to wear ---(a) fifteen dress-Jacket .
38.Natalya lent Lomov their ---(a) threshing-machine.
39. According to Natalya they had to put off their own threshing till ---(a)November .
40.Gypsies are a ---(a)nomadic community.(They don’t own property ) 
41. The word “carafe” refers to ---(a) glass container.
42. “Mowers” are the ---(a) workers who cut grass.
43.The word “ excruciating” indicates ---(a)severe.
44. The word “restrain” indicates---(a)a little control.
45. Chubukov is twice ---(a) Lomov’s age .
46.Lomov called Chubukov ---(a) grabber.
47.Chubukov called Lomov ---(a) pettifogger .
48. Lomov called Chubukov’s grandfather ---(a) cheater.
49. “Pettifogger” refers to ---(a) a lawyer who deals with petty cases.
50. The word “ embezzlement” means ---(a)cheating.
51.According to Chubukov Lomov’s grandfather is a ---(a)drunkard 
52. Lomov’s younger aunt ran away with an---(a) architect.
53.According to Lomov, Chubukov’s mother was ---(a) hump-backed(deformed with a bent back).
54. According to Chubukov Lomov’s father is a ---(a) guzzling gambler.
55.Natalya called Lomov’s aunt ---(a) backbiter.
56. Natalya called Lomov---(a)dishonest,mean and low.
57. Chubukov called Lomov ---(a) double-face intriguer.
58. The word “guzzling” means --- (a) drunkard.
59.Natalya called Lomov ---(a)rascal 
60.Chubukov told Lomov ----(a) villain and scarecrow .
61. Natalya called Lomov ---(a) monster
62. Chubukov told Lomov ----(a) scarecrow.
63. Chubukov called Lomov----(a)blind hen
64. Chubukov told Lomov----(a)turnip-ghost.
65.Lomov came to Chubukov’s house ----(a) to propose Natalya.
66. ‘wizen faced frump’ suggests ----(a) wrinkled face (unattractive / insult again)
67.I’ll shoot myself ! I’ll hang myself ----the speaker is (a) Chubukov.
68.The name of Lomov’s dog is----(a)Guess.
69. The name of Natalya ’s dog----(a)Squeezer.
70. Lomov’s dog ,Guess has gone ----(a) lame.
71.Lomov gave Mironov ----(a)125 roubles for Guess
72. Chubukov gave ----(a)85 roubles for his Squeezer.
73.’overshot’ means ----(a)defective sign.
74.Whose lower jaw is shorter than the upper ?
75. Squeezer is a thoroughbred animal ,the son of -------(a) Harness and Chisels.
76. According to Lomov __________ would be a handsome price to pay for Squeezer -------(a)twenty five.
77. “Pedigree/ thoroughbred” indicates ------- (a) pure-bred animal 
78. Chubukov is -------(a)septuagenarian .
79. To Natalya the worth of Oxen Meadows is about -------(a) 300 roubles.
80. “Jesuit” means ---(a) stubbornness(a religious order).
81. “Milksop” means -------(a)silly and weak person.
82. The dogs are running after a fox, when Squeezer goes and starts worrying ------- (a) sheep.
83.The first argument is over -------(a)land .
84.The second argument is over -------(a)dogs.
85.The format of the play is -------(a)one –act play.
86.Marriage proposal is accepted when -------(a) they kiss each other.
87.Chubukov wants to celebrate the marriage proposal with ---------(a) champagne.
88.The dog compared to a worn out cab horse is-------(a)Guess.
89.In Marunsinsky hunt squeezer was disturbing -------(a)sheep.
90.Lomov took help from Chubukov -------(a)more than twice.
91.During conversation Natalya offers-------(a)lunch.
92.”I shall make you a present of them” here “them” refers to-------(a)Oxen Meadows.
93.According to Chubukov ,Guess has two defects-------(a)he is old and short in the muzzle.
94.The word ‘pup’ was applied to-------(a)Lomov.
95.When Lomov seems dead ,Chubukov wants to kill himself by -------(a)shooting himself.
96. Lomov, Chubukov and Natalya approach marriage -------(a)With a sense of practicality .
97.Chubukov is delighted with the proposal for the reason-------(a)
Chubukov would like to see his daughter married .
98.Lomov has two consideration regarding marriage-------(a)
that he is thirty-five and must lead a stable life.
99.Lomov wanted to talk to Natalya -------(a)in order to seek her consent for marriage .
100.In the heated argument over ownership all three characters behave-------(a) Without maturity.

101.Natalya learns about the proposal-------(a)when Chubukov exclaims in anger ,how dare Lomov make a proposal.
102.When Lomov comes back after walking out of the house-------(a)
Lomov continues to be stubborn.
103.What label can you give to comic turn of the play?
104.Why are Chubukov and Natalya concerned when Lomov faints ?
-------(a)because they want the marriage and don’t want him die.
105.Who is the chief actor in seeing the proposal through ? -------(a)
106. Chubukov asks the couple to get married ----(a) because he fears Lomov and Natalya will get into an argument before long
107. “Give me knife ,give me pistol” –Here the speaker is ---(a)Chubukov
108.According to Natalya ,Lomov ought to go and lie on the kitchen oven and catch ---(a) black beetles.
109. The term “stuffed sausage” is used as---(a)term of insult.
110. The word “carafe” suggests ---(a)glass container.
111.The word “palpitations” indicates---(a) very rapid heartbeats.
112.The word “impudent” means ---(a)rude.
113.Lomov comes to Chubukov’s house---(a)to propose to her daughter.
114. When Lomov arrived,Chubukov was surprised by his ---(a)evening dress.
115.Why is the proposal accepted to all parties? ---(a)it’s a good working argument .
116.According to Chubukov ,Squeezer got left behind because ---(a)the Count’s whipper-in hit him.
117. According to Chubukov,he will shoot Lomov like a ---(a)partridge .(a kind of bird )
118. Natalya claims that they have had the land ---(a)nearly 300 years.
119.After listening to the marriage proposal Chubukov ---(a) became delighted.
120. Mower means –a person ---(a) who cut grass.
121.The play "The Proposal " was translated from Russian by ----- Julius West.
122.The play "The Proposal "sets in ------the drawing room of Chubukov's house. 
123.Lomov is a -----a suspicions landowner. 
124.Lomov is ---35 years old. 
125.Chubukov is ---a landowner.
126.Chubukov is -70 years old. 
127.Natalya is --- the daughter of Chubukov. 
128.Natalya is ---25  years old.
129.Lomov wears -a dress jacket and  white
130.The word "dress jacket" indicates ----a short coat. 
131.Who rises to meet Lomov? 
Ans:Chubukov rises to meet Lomov.
132.The play "The Proposal " starts with the speech of -----Chubukov. 
133.The play "The Proposal " starts with word --------my dear fellow. 
134.Who called whom as darling,angel,treasure and beauty  ?
Ans :Chubukov called Lomov as darling, angel, treasure and beauty.

135.The word "get up" indicates----style of clothing. 
136."He's come to borrow money " ----Who is the speaker? 
Who is "he"?
Ans :Here the speaker is Chubukov. 

Here he is Lomov.
137.Lomov has gone to Chubukov 's house ---to ask the hand of his daughter, Natalya, in marriage. 
138.Who is very much in love? 
Ans :Natalya is very much in love.
139.Who is like a love sick cat? 
Ans:Natalya is like a love sick cat.
140.Who embraces and kisses Lomov? 
Ans Chubukov embraces and kisses Lomov.
141.Natalya is ------an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking and well educated.
142.Lomov ought to lead ----a quiet & regular life. 
143.Lomov suffers from --- palpitation
144.There is a twitch in Lomov's ---right eyebrow.
145.Lomov jumps up like a -lunatic.

1. Sketch  the character of Natalya. 
Ans. Natalya is one of the major characters in Anton Chekhov 's one act play "The Proposal".She is the twenty five years old daughter of a rich and affluent landlord, Chubukov. She is good looking, well educated and an efficient manager of her father's household. She has enough knowledge of agricultural works. Natalya proves herself as an obstinate young lady having sound knowledge of her family's property. She never allows Lomov to overpower her when the arguments continue regarding the possession of Oxen Meadows and the superiority of -dogs. She is again very keen to marry as she has reached her nuptial age already. When she comes to know about the marriage proposal, she turns frantic and restless to bring Lomov back. She somehow wants to manage the situation to get the proposal from Lomov. Now she changes her standpoint and surrenders her tenacity in order to accept Lomov as her husband.She is egocentric too as she gets herself involved once again in a bitter argument over the hunting dogs, and continues to quarrel even- after getting married. However she is an interesting  character. 

Q2."I have come to ask the hand of your daughter"--Who says this and to whom? Who is the daughter? What is the reaction of the person spoken to? 

Ans. In Anton Chekhov's one-act play 'The Proposal' Lomov says this to Chubukov.

Natalya is the daughter referred to here.

Lomov turns up Chubukov's house with the proposal to ask the hand of Natalya in marriage. Initially he feels excited and nervous. After a few hesitant moments and stammering, however, Lomov finally expresses the desire of his mind. On hearing that Lomov wants to marry Natalya, Chubukov's joys know no bound. He feels so elated and glad that he embraces Lomov and even kisses him. He continues saying that he lookes upon Lomov as his own son. Out of extreme joy, he feels curious to call Natalya in no time.
Q. Describe the character of Lomov. 
Ans.Lomov is one of the major characters in Anton Chekhov 's one act play "The Proposal". Lomov is a close neighbour of Chubukov and is almost beyond the age of marriage. He is thirty five years old. He is hypochondriac in nature. Lomov suffers from palpitation, excitement and nervous breakdown. He has lack of confidence. He is not direct in his speech or approach. He chooses Natalya as his wife not for love but for necessity. In order to maintain a quiet and regular life, he needs to marry. We may also assume that this man needs to satiate his personal gain by marrying to a landlord's daughter. He shows the character of a possessive landowner when the dispute over the Oxen Meadows begins. In spite of much insult and abusive remarks Lomov's return to Chubukov's house shows how much desperate he is to marry. With all the absurd features of his character, Lomov is really a humorous and interesting character.
