Textual Grammar of 'Strong Roots '

 We are going to provide  the textual grammar of Kalam 's 'Strong Roots' . 

A.Change the voice.

1. Adversity always presents opportunities for introspection. 

2. He put his hands on my shoulders. 

3. His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm.  

4.They look for someone to help them.

5. He was judging my capacity to comprehend his words. 

6.This should never be followed. 

7. The fundamental truths were revealed to me by my father.  

8. Try to understand the relevance of your sufferings.

9.He possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit. 

10. My parents were widely regarded as an ideal  couple. 

11.She would place a banana leaf before me. 

12. However all necessities were provided for. 

13.Many of them offered bowls of water to my father. 

14. This water was then carried home for invalids. 

15.I also remember people visiting our home. 

16. I asked my father about the relevance of prayer. 

17. My father told me that there was nothing mysterious about prayer.  

18. Prayer made possible a communion of the spirit between people. 

19. You transcend your body.  

20. My father could convey complex spiritual concepts in very simple, down-to-earth Tamil. 
