Shortcut method of Degree Change

 Shortcut method of Degree Change 

Positive Degree  


No other boy in the class is as good as Ram.

Very few boys in the class are as good as Ram.

➤No other/Very few + subject's identity  +  others +verb +as +  Positive form of adjective +as +Subject. 

Turn into positive degree

1.Sachin is the greatest cricketer 

 ➤No other cricketer is as great as Sachin  

2.Sachin is one of the greatest cricketers. 

➤Very few cricketers are as great as Sachin. 

3.Ram is taller than any other player. 

➤No other player is as tall as Ram

4.Ram is taller than most other players. 

➤Very few players are as tall as Ram. 

5.Ram is taller than any other boy in the class. 

Ans :No other boy in the class is as tall as Ram

6.Ram is taller than most other boys in the class. 

Ans:Very few boys in the class are as tall as Ram

7.Ram is one of the greatest players in the world. 

Ans: Very few players in the world are as great as Ram.

8.Ram is  the greatest player in the world.

Ans:No other player in the world is as great as Ram.


1.Ram is the best boy in the class. 

2.Ram is one of the best boys in the class. 

3.Ram is better than any other boy in the class. 

4.Ram is better than most other boys in the class.  

Rule -2

1.Ram is taller than Sita 

➤Sita is not as tall as Ram

2.Rabon is greater than Rahim

➤Rahim is not as great as Rabon.


1.Rabon was more popular than Rahim

2.Gita was not  taller than Sita.

3.Coffee is more harmful than tea.

4.The lotus is lovelier than the lily.

Comparative Degree


Ram is better than any other boy in the class. 

Ram is better than most other boys in the class  

Rule: Subject + verb + Comparative form of adjective+than +any other / most other   +subject's identity + others.  


➤Turn into Comparative  Degree  

1.Ram is the best boy 

Ans: Ram is better than any other boy. 

2.Ram is one of the best boys.

Ans:Ram is better than most other boys. 

3.Very few boys are as tall as Ram. 

Ans:Ram is taller than most other boys. 

4.No other boy is as tall as Ram.

Ans:Ram is taller than any other boy.

Rule -2

1.Ram is not as tall as Sita 

Ans-Sita is taller than Ram. 

2.Ram is as great as Rahim

Ans:Rahim is not greater than Ram


1.Sachin is one of the most famous players.


2.Sachin is the most famous player. 


3.No other cricketer in the world is as great as Sachin


4.   Very few players in the world are as famous as Virat. 


5.Salman Khan is not as great as Sushant Singh 


Superlative Degree

Ram is the best boy in the class 

Ram is one of the best boys in the class.   

Rule: ➤Subject +Verb +the/one of the +Superlative form of adjective +Subject's identity +others.  

Q. Turn into Superlative Degree  

 1.No other cricketer is as great as Sachin  

Ans:Sachin is the greatest cricketer. 

2.Very few cricketers are as great as Sachin. 

Ans:Sachin is one of the greatest cricketers. 

3.Ram is better than any other boy. 

Ans:Ram is the best boy. 

2.Ram is better than most other boys. 

Ans:Ram is one of the best boys.

Exercise  :

1.Ram is more famous than any other boy in the class 


2.Ram is more famous than most other boys in the class 

3.Very few poets are as great as Rabindranath


4.No other poet is as great as Rabindranath.


Q.Change the mode of degree. 

1.Ram is one of the tallest boys in the class. 

2.Sita is the tallest girl. 

3.Sita is more beautiful than any other girl.

4.Sita is more beautiful than most other girls.

5.No other boy in the class is as great as Ram 

6.Very few boys in the class are as intelligent as Ram. 

Examination Question Paper PDF 14/05/2023

Examination 07/06/2023

Change into positive & superlative degree
