Short questions and answer of 'Karma' written by Khushwant Singh


By  Khushwant Singh

Questions and Answers of Karma  


1.Where from is "Karma" taken? 

Ans: ''Karma" is taken from "The Collected Short Stories of Khushwant Singh"(2005)  

2.What was Sir Mohan Lal doing at the beginning of the story? 

Ans :Sir Mohan Lal was waiting in the first class waiting room of the railway station and he looked at himself in the mirror.

3.Where was the mirror made? 

Ans: The mirror was made in India. 

4.How did Mohan Lal smile at the mirror? 

Ans:Sir  Mohan Lal smiled at the mirror with an air of pity and patronage. 

5.How did Sir Mohan Lal insult the mirror?

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal insulted the mirror by calling it inefficient, dirty and indifferent . 

6.Who called whom old chap?

Ans: The mirror called Sir Mohan Lal as old chap. 

7.Where from was the suit of Sir Mohan Lal brought?

Ans:  The suit of Sir Mohan Lal was  brought from Saville Row. 

8.Which tie did Sir Mohan Lal wear? 

Ans:Mohan Lal wore Balliol tie.

9.Who threw out his chest?

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal threw out his chest. 

10.Who waved a goodbye to the mirror? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal waved a goodbye to the mirror.

11.Who glanced his watch?

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal glanced his watch.  

12."You are a bit of all right"-Who is the speaker? 

Ans: The speaker is personified mirror. 

13.What is livery? 

Ans: Livery is a special uniform which is worn by waiter in olden time.   


Livery is a special uniform worn by waiter in olden time.   

15."Ek, Chota, " -Who ordered? 

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal ordered.   


Page -2 

Q.What is the colour of Lachmi's steel trunk?

Ans:The colour of Lachmi's steel trunk is grey.

Q.Who was chewing a betel leaf? 

Ans:Lachmi  was chewing a betel leaf. 

Q.How was Lachmi fanning herself? 

Ans:   Lachmi was  fanning herself with a newspaper.                                                                        

 1.What did Lachmi wear? 

Ans:Lachmi wore a dirty white sari with a red border. She also wore a diamond nose ring. She had several gold bangles on her arms. 

2.Describe the appearance of Lachmi(3)

Ans: Lachmi was short and fat in her middle forties.She wore a dirty white sari with a red border. She also wore a diamond nose ring. She had several gold bangles on her arms. On a small grey steel trunk, Lachmi,Lady Mohan Lal, sat chewing betel leaf and fanning herself with a newspaper.  

3.What does the word "zenana" indicate? 

Ans: The word "zenana" indicates the train compartment which is reserved for ladies in olden times.

4.Why did the coolie flatten his turban? 

Ans:The coolie flattened his turban to make a cushion for hoisting the steel trunk.

5.What did Lady Lal pick up? 

Ans: Lady Lal picked up her brass tiffin-carrier 

6.Why did Lachmi stop by a hawker's stall?

Ans:Lachmi stopped by a hawker's stall to replenish her betel leaf case.

Q."Are the trains very crowded....?"-Who said this and to whom? 

Ans:In Khushwant Singh's short story 'Karma' Lachmi said this to the coolie. 

7.What did Lachmi eat?

Ans:Lachmi ate cramped chapattis and some mango pickle.

8.What did the coolie do when Lachmi ate? 

Ans:While Lachmi ate, the coolie sat opposite her on his haunches (and he was) drawing lines in the gravel with his finger.

9."Are you travelling  alone? " -Who said this and to whom? 

Ans:In Khushwant Singh's short story 'Karma" the  coolie said this to Lachmi.

10.Who is in the waiting room? 

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal is in the waiting room. 

11.In Which class does Mohan Lal travel? 

Ans:Mohan Lal travels (in)first class.

12.Who is a vizier and barrister? /Who is Sir Mohan Lal?

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal is a vizier and barrister.

13.Who is only a native woman? 

Ans:Lachmi, Lady Mohan Lal, is a native woman.

14.Who cannot understand English? 

Ans: Lachmi cannot understand English.

15.Who chatted away merrily? 

Ans:Lachmi chatted away merrily. 

16.Who was fond of a little gossip? 

Ans:Lachmi was fond of a little gossip. 

17.Who had never any time to spare for Lachmi?

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal had never anytime to spare for his wife, Lachmi. 

18.Where did Lachmi stay in the house? 

Ans:Lachmi stayed in the upper storey of the house. 

19.Where did Mohan Lal stay in the house?

Ans:Mohan Lal stayed on the ground floor of/in the house.

20. Why did the relatives of Lachmi never come to their house? 

Ans:As Mohan Lal did not like Lachmi's poor illiterate relatives hanging around his bungalow, they never came.


The  relatives of Lachmi never came to their house because Sir Mohan Lal did not like Lachmi's poor illiterate relatives hanging around his bungalow. 

21.Why did the relatives of Lachmi never come to their house?(2)

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal kept Lachmi in the upper storey of the house and he stayed on the ground floor.So the  relatives of Lachmi never came to their house because Sir Mohan Lal did not like Lachmi's poor illiterate relatives hanging around his bungalow . 

22.When did Mohan Lal stay with Lachmi? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal stayed with Lachmi at night.

Page 3

1.What announced the approaching train?

Ans:The clinging of the bell announced the approaching train. 

2.How did Lady Lal finish off her meal?

Ans:Lady Lal finished off her meal hurriedly.

3.What was Lachmi licking ? 

Ans:Lachmi was  licking the stone of pickled mango.

4.Who emitted a long,  loud belch? 

Ans:Lachmi emitted a long,  loud belch. 

5.Why did Lachmi go to the public tap? 

Ans: Lachmi went to the public tap to rinse her mouth and wash her hands.

6.How did Lachmi dry her mouth and hands? 

Ans: Lachmi dried her mouth and hands with the loose end of her sari.

7.What did Lachmi produce the coolie?

Ans: Lachmi produced the coolie a two-anna bit from a knot in her sari. 

8.How did Lachmi make two betel leaves? 

Ans: Lachmi made two betel leaves charged with a red and white paste, minced betel nuts and cardamoms. 

9.What did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal's sang-froid? 

Ans: The arrival of the train did not disturb  Sir Mohan Lal's sang-froid. 

10.What were exhibitions of bad breeding? 

Ans: Excitement, bustle and hurry were exhibitions of bad breeding.

11.Who was eminently  well bred? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal was eminently well bred. 

12.How did Sir Mohan Lal want everything? 

Ans:Mohan Lal wanted everything 'tickety-boo' and orderly. 

13.What had Sir Mohan acquired in his five years abroad ? 

Ans:  In his five years abroad,Sir Mohan had acquired the manners and attitudes of upper classes. 

14.Who rarely spoke Hindustani? 

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal    rarely spoke Hindustani. 

15.How did Sir Mohan Lal fancy about his English? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal fancied his English, finished and refined at no less a place than the university of Oxford.

16.What did English people say about Mohan Lal's language? 

Ans:  English people said that Sir Mohan Lal spoke like an Englishman.   

17.Who was fond of conversation? 

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal was fond of conversation.     

18.Who could talk on almost any subject -books,politics and people? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal could talk on almost any subject -books,politics and people. 

19.What did Sir Mohan Lal wonder? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal wondered if he would be travelling alone. 

20. Who might be on the train according to Sir Mohan Sir? 

Ans:According to Sir Mohan Lal, Some English officers might be on train .    

21. Why did  Sir Mohan Lal's heart warm? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal's heart warmed at the prospect of an impressive conversation.  

22.  Which newspaper did  Sir Mohan Lal use to read? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal used to read "The Times".

23.How would Sir Mohan Lal fold the newspaper? 

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal would fold the newspaper in a way in which the name of the paper was visible to others. 

24.Who did the crossword puzzle?

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal did the crossword puzzle. 

25.What always attracted attention? 

Ans:The Times   always attracted attention. 

26.What did Sir Mohan Lal wear while travelling?    

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal wore Balliol while travelling. 

27.Which/What never failed with Englishmen?

Ans:Whiskey never failed with Englishmen.

28.How old was Sir Mohan Lal? 

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal was fifty years old

29.Why did Sir Mohan's heart warm?

Ans. Sir Mohan's heart warmed at the prospect of an impressive conversation with some English officer.

30. What was Sir Mohan's cigarette case made of?  

Ans. Sir Mohan's cigarette case was made of gold.

31. How many years did Sir Mohan stay in England?
Ans. Sir Mohan stayed in England for five years.

32. "Five years of a crowded glorious life."-Which life is referred to here?  

Ans. Sir Mohan's life in England for five years is referred to here.

33. How many years did Sir Mohan spend in India?  
Ans. Sir Mohan spent forty-five years in India. 

34.Who was  dismayed? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal was dismayed. 

35.What did Sir Mohan Lal see sitting in the train?

Ans:Sitting in the train, Sir Mohan Lal saw two english soldiers trudging along, looking in all the compartment for room.

36.Whom did Sir Mohan Lal decide to welcome? 

Ans:Mohan Lal decided  to welcome the two English  soldiers, Bill and Jim. 

37.Who were entitled to travel only second class? 

Ans:The two English  soldiers, Bill and Jim,were entitled to travel only second class. 

38.Why would Sir Mohan Lal speak to the guard? 

Ans:As the two English soldiers,Bill and Jim,were entitled to travel only second class, Sir Mohan would speak to the guard for permitting them in the first class.

39"Get the nigger out" -Who is referred here?
Ans : Sir Mohan Lal is referred here.
40.Who are the two English soldiers?
Ans: Bill and Jim are the two English soldiers. Or
The  two English soldiers are Bill and Jim.
41.Which things did the soldiers  fling on to  the platform?
Ans:The soldiers flung suitcase, thermos flask, briefcase, bedding and The Times.
42.Who was livid with rage?
Ans:Sir Mohan Lal was livid with rage.
43."Preposterous, preposterou, "-Who said this? 

Ans-Sir Mohan Lal said this. 

44.Who struck  Sir Mohan Lal flat on the face? 

Ans: Jim struck  Sir Mohan Lal flat on the face.

45.Who flung Sir Mohan Lal out of the train? 

Ans:The two English soldiers, Bill and Jim,   flung Sir Mohan Lal out of the train. 

46.Whose feet were glued to earth? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal 's  feet were glued to earth. 

47.How was Lachmi's mouth bloated? 

Ans:Lachmi's mouth was bloated with betel saliva. 

48.Who reeled backwards? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal reeled backwards. 

49."I'll have you arrested"- Who said this and to whom? 

Ans:Sir Mohan Lal said this to the two English soldiers, Bill and Jim.

50.Who landed on the suitcase at the end of the story? 

Ans: Sir Mohan Lal landed on the suitcase at the end of the story. 

Q.Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: [1 mark each)

 1. Sir Mohan smiled at the mirror with - (a) an air of hatred, (b) an air of pity and patronage, (c) an air of admiration, (d) extreme vexation.

2. The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal's -

(a) peace, (b) understanding c) Sang-froid, (d) conversation XI-16

3. Lachmi stopped by a hawker's stall to buy -(a) Chapatti, (b) Pan parag, (c) Betel leaves, (d) Mango pickle.XI-15

4. The inter-class zenana compartment was-√(a) next to the guard's van, (b) just after the engine, (c) at the tail end of the train, (d) in the middle of the train. XI-'14

5. What type of woman is Lachmi ?

√( a) Traditional, (b) Selfish, (c) Dogmatic, (d) Aristocrat. XI-19 

6. The mirror________back at Sir Mohan (a) laughed, (b) mocked, (c) smiled, (d)replied. XI-'17

7. The words "get the nigger out" suggest -√(a) a sense of irony, (b) a sense of farce, (c) a sense of humour, (d) a sense of tragedy. XI-'18

8. The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal's 'sang-froid'. Here 'sang-froid' means -(a) sleep,  (b√) composure, (c) anxiety, (d) sanguineness. 

9. The newspaper that Sir Mohan was reading was -

(a) The Sunday Times, (b) The Times of India, (c) The Times, (d) Modern Times. XI-'18

10. Sir Mohan Lal rarely spoke Hindustani as- (a) he wanted to show off his English, (b) he did not know the language well, (che had only contempt for everything Indian, including its language, (d) he believed that speaking Hindustani would lower his prestige in the eyes of Englishmen.

11. Lachmi was chewing - (a) chocolate, (b) sweet, (c) betel leaf, (d) gum. 

12. The 'zenana' compartment means a train compartment reserved for -

(a) gents, (b) aged persons, (c)ladies, (d) disabled persons. 

13 Sir Mohan Lal stayed in Britain for - (a) 4 years, (b) 5 years, (c) 6 years, (d) 8 years. 

14. Lady Lal ate - (a) Parathas and pickle, (b) Chapattis and pickle, (c) Rice and dal, (d) none of them.

15. The soldiers termed Mohan Lal as a Nigger, (b) Untouchable, (c) Stupid, (d) None of these. 

16. Mohan Lal's cigarette case was made of (a) silver (b) gold, (c) brass, (d) steel.

17. Sir Mohan Lal's ways and manners were meant to produce the impression that he was a/an (a) Englishman, (b) noble Indian, (c)man anglicised and refined as an English gentleman, (d) none of them.

18. Sir Mohan Lal was travelling in the

(a) economic class, (b) inter-class (c) first class, (d) zenana compartment. 

19. When Sir Mohan Lal saw two English soldiers walking towards his coupe, he decided to (a) shoot them out, (b) welcome them warmly, (c) vent his anger on them, (d) ignore them. 

20. The name of the two soldiers were(a) Bill and Jim, (b) Tom and Jim, (c) Bill and Tom, (d) Jimmy and Will.

21. Mr Lal's face lit up as he saw(a) two English soldiers trudging around, (b) the guard whistling, (c) two coolies passing by, (d) the bearer carrying scotch.

22. Lachmi dried her hands and mouth with -

(a) a towel, (b) the loose end of her sari, (c) a handkerchief, (d) a paper.

23. The mirror was obviously made in - (a) England, (b) Belgium, (c) dia, (d) China.

24. "Ek Chota" ordered Sir Mohan. Here "Ek Chota" is (a) a small cup of tea, (b) a small bottle of cold drinks, (ca small peg of scotch, (d) a small cup of fruit juice.

25. Lachmi was the-(a) lady attendant of Sir Mohan Lal (b) wife of Sir Mohan Lal, (c) common passenger, (d) none of these.

26. Lachmi was in her. (a) mid thirties, (b) mid forties, (c) mid fifties, (d) forties.

27. While in England Sir Mohan Lal usually enjoyed dinner at

(a) Piccadilly, (b) the inns of Court, (c) Oxford, (d) university hostel.

28. Sir Mohan had his education at--(a) Delhi University, (b) Oxford University, (c) Cambridge University, (d) Harvard University.


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