Phrases are of eight kinds


A Phrase is a group of words which acts as a unit of group  and which has no finite verb.

Phrases are of eight kinds :










1.Noun Phrase :

A Noun Phrase is a group of words that acts as Noun. It may be a Subject or Object/Complement of a verb. A Noun Phrase includes the process of using Infinitive, Verbal Noun and Gerund as subject or object/complement.



Read the following sentences :

(i) The boy wants something. [(Sub) + (Verb) + Noun]

(ii) Priti wants something to eat. [(Sub+ Verb)+NP + Infinitive]

(iii) Arpita took her supper. [(Sub + Verb) + Noun]

(iv) Arpita took her supper early. [(Sub + Verb) + NP + Adverb]

(v) Praising is a good virtue. [Noun as Sub + Verb]

(vi) Praising all is equal to praising none. [NP + Verb + Adjective + NP]

(vii) Mr. Ganguli showed his student a computer. [(Sub + Verb) + Noun]

(viii) Mr. Ganguli showed his student how to assemble a computer. [with 'how to']

Read the following Nouns and Noun Phrases.


(NOUN) Reading is a good habit.

(NOUN PHRASE ) Have you enjoyed reading this novel?

(NOUN) Cricket is a good game 

(NOUN PHRASE) Playing cricket is the style of the day.

(NOUN)Your bed is ready.

(NOUN PHRASE)Early to bed is a healthy habit.

(NOUN)Any prize is a prestigious thing. 

(NOUN PHRASE )To win a prize is not an easy task. I want to win the first prize.


An Adjective Phrase is a group of words that acts as an Adjective for qualifying a noun or pronoun. It may be in the Subject part or in the Predicate part.

(An Adjective Phrase includes some Prepositions and Participles that qualify a Noun.)

Adjectives (➤A) & Adjective Phrases(➤AP)

A golden crown.(A)

A crown made of gold.(AP)

A heavy load.(A)

A load of great weight. (AP)

A blank page.(A)

A page with no writing on it.(AP)

A black coat.(A)

A coat of black colour.(AP)

A white elephant.(A)

An elephant of white colour.(AP)

A jungle track.(A)

A track through the jungle.(AP)

The Indian flag.(A)

The flag of India.(Ap)

3.Adverbial Phrase

An Adverbial Phrase is a group of words that acts as an Adverb. It may generally modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb denoting manner, place or time.

#An Adverbial Phrase includes some Adverbs with Prepositions called Adverbials that modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

Adverb-Adverbial Phrase 

carefully-with care.

fast/quickly-with great speed.

bravely-in a brave manner/with bravery

beautifully-in a beautiful style.

Carelessly-without any care.

Adverb -Adverbial Phase

Here-at this place/on this spot.

There-at that place/on that spot

away- to another place.

Abroad -to link a foreign country.

Everywhere - in all places.

Now-at this very moment.

then-at that time/moment.

Soon -before very long/at an early date.

Formerly-in former times/once upon a time. 

Recently-at present/at a recent date.


Read the following sentences :

(i) (a) Priti is my sister. (b) She is seriously ill.

(ii) Priti, my sister, is seriously ill.

(iii) (a) Vulu is my faithful dog. (b) I like him.

(iv) I like Vulu, my faithful dog.

(V)Lullu is a ghost. He is seriously ill.

(Vi)Lullu, a ghost,is seriously ill.

In sentence (ii) 'Priti' and 'my sister' are the same person. In sentence (iv) 'Vulu' and 'my faithful dog' are the same animal. The two groups of words 'my sister' and 'my faithful dog' are placed in apposition to the Noun 'Priti' and 'Vulu'. They are, therefore, Phrases in Apposition.

5.Absolute Phrase

Read the following sentences :

(i) (a) It was a holiday. (b) We went out for a picnic.

(ii) It being a holiday, we went out for a picnic.

(iii) (a) The war broke out. (b) The prices rose high.

(iv) The war having broken out, the prices rose high.

V) (a)He completed his work.(b)He took rest

(Vi)Having completed his work,he took rest.

In sentence (ii) 'It being a holiday' and in sentence (iv) 'The war having broken out' are Nominative Absolute denoting the interdependence of these groups of words with the main parts of the sentences. Such groups of words of interdependence with separate subject and without finite verb are called Absolute Phrases.


(i)(a) He is ill. (b) He still works.

(ii) In spite of his illness, he works.

(iii) (a) He made a promise. (b) He kept it also.

(iv) Besides making a promise, he kept it.

(v) a)He learns music. b)He listens to the chords .

(vi)For learning music ,he listens to the chords .

In sentence (ii) 'In spite of' and in sentence (iv) 'Besides making' are groups of words beginning with a Preposition and act as a unit other than a Noun Phrase, an Adjective Phrase or Adverb Phrase. Such Phrases are called Prepositional Phrases.


(i) Hearing a noise, the boy woke up.

(ii) Driven by hunger, he stole a piece of bread.

(iii) Having rested a while, we continued our journey.

(iv)Seeing the snake ,Ram became afraid .

In sentence (i) 'Hearing a noise', in sentence (ii) 'Driven by hunger' and in sentence. (iii) 'Having rested a while' are Participial Phrases. These Participial Phrases are formed by a Present Participle or a Past Participle or a Perfect Participle.


(i)Ram is , after all , a great fighter. 

(ii) He is, after all, an honest man.

(iii) l, to tell the truth, don't like this.

In each of the above examples, there are phrases thrown into the body of sentences without any structural relation between the phrase and the other part of the sentence. Such phrases are called Parenthetical Phrase.


1.Ram had a ring made of gold .

2.Sita is ,after all ,a good writer .

3.Seeing the elephant ,Ram rushed there.

4.Gita, my sister, was seriously ill.

5.Arpita took her dinner early.
