QUESTIONS & ANSWERS OF MACBETH ,Important MCQ of Macbeth for class xi new syllabus wbchse

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Important MCQ  of Macbeth for class xi new syllabus WBCHSE


Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given : [1 mark each]

1. Duncan was the king of (a) Ireland, (b) England, (c) Scotland, (d) France. 

2. The witches looked like -

(a) charming ladies, (b) mad creatures, (c) unearthly creatures, (d) queens.

3. The three unearthly creatures that met with Macbeth and Banquo, were singing -

(a) Heave ho!, (b) Fair is foul, and foul is fair, (c) Hey and a ho and a hey nonnino!, (d) Avaunt! 

4. Macbeth showed his valour in defeating (a) Banquo, (b) Macduff, (c) Duncan, (d) Norwegian Army

5. The soldiers were marching ahead with (a) swords, (b) flowers, (c) tress, (d) boughs.

6. The first of the three witches saluted Macbeth with the title of -

(a) Thane of Glamis, (b) Thane of Cawdor, (c) King of Scotland, (d) Great General. 

 7. "Lesser than Macbeth and greater". The man who was talked about is (a) Macduff's father, (b) an Irish general, (c) Malcolm's father, (d) Banquo

8. Malcolm and Donalbain were the sons of -

(a) Macduff, (b) Banquo, (c) The Thane of Cawdor, (d) Duncan

9. The name of Macbeth's castle was - (a) Dunsinane, (b) Inverness, (c) Invernes, (d) Birnam. 

10. Lady Macbeth could not kill Duncan because (a) Duncan resembled her father, (b) Macbeth did not allow her, (c) there were guards sitting at the door, (d) she was weak and irresolute. 

11. Macbeth killed Duncan because - (a) the witches told him to do so, (b) Duncan was his enemy, (c) he wanted  to be the king, 

(d) he wanted to take revenge on Duncan. 

 12. The second spirit looked to Macbeth as - (a) an armed head, (b) a crowned child, (d) a bloody child

13. Macduff was the Thane of (a) Cawdor, (b) Ross, (c) Fife, (d) Glamis.

14. Macbeth was killed by (a) Malcolm, (b) Donalbain, (c) Macduff, (d) Banquo. 

15. Lady Macbeth was -

(a) an ambitious woman, (b) a sympathetic woman, (c) a good natured woman, (d) a mean minded woman. 

16. After Duncan, the lawful heir to the throne of Scotland was -

a) Macbeth, (b) Macduff, (c) Malcolm, (d) Donalbain.

17. Duncan's murder was discovered -

(a) in the morning, (b) at midnight, (c) in the afternoon, (d) in the evening. 

18. The person who first entered the King's room to murder him, was -

(a) Banquo, (b) Lady Macbeth, (c) Malcolm (d)Macbeth.

19. Duncan was - (a) a cruel king, (b) a benevolent king, (c) a foolish king, (d) a tyrant king. 

20. The weird sisters had - (a) balded head, (b) moustache, (c) beards; (d) wings.

21. Macbeth was a near Kinsman to- (a) Banquo, (b) Duncan, (c) Malcolm, (d) Fleance.

22. The witches spoke to Macbeth and Banquo in (a) plain words, (b) flowery language, (c) weird language, (d) riddling terms.

 23. The prophecy of the witches inflamed Macbeth with -

(a) discourage, (b) despair, (c) ambition, (d) frustration.

24. The name of Banquo's son is - (a) Malcolm, (b) Macduff, (c) Donalbain, (d) Fleance. 

25. Macbeth employed murderers to kill -

(a) Fleance, (b) Banquo, (c) Both Banquo and Fleance, (d) Malcolm and Donalbain.

26. The first spirit that appeared before Macbeth was (a) a bloody child, (b) an armed head, (c) a crowned child, (d) a skul!.

27. Banquo was murdered by - (a) Macbeth, (b) Macduff, (c) Lady Macbeth, (d) the assassins.


28. Macbeth began to envy the condition of (a) Fleance, (b) Malcolm, (c) Duncan, (d) Banquo.

29. After Duncan's murder, the entire suspicion fell upon

(a) Macbeth, (b) Lady Macbeth, (c) Banquo, (d) the grooms.

30. Macduff had fled to - (a) England, (b) Ireland, (c) Scotland, (d) Greenland. 31. Macbeth could not pronounce the word - (a) Amen, (b) Christ, (c) God, (d) Murder.

32. Lady Macbeth accused her husband of -

(a) fickleness, (b) cowardice, (c) fickleness and cowardice, (d) indifference.

33. The third witch foretold that Macbeth would be the - (a) Thane of Glamis, (b) Thane of Cawdor, (c) King of Scotland, (d) King of England.

34. Duncan came to Macbeth's house along with - (a) Malcolm, (b) Donalbain, (c) Malcolm and Donalbain, (d) his two sons and attendants.

35. According to Lady Macbeth, Macbeth should murder Duncan because - (a) he had sworn to do so, (b) he was the right person to do this, (c) the king was very cruel, (d) countrymen wanted so.

36. Macbeth did not want to kill Duncan because he was -(a) grateful to him, (b) a coward, (c) afraid, (d) not a kinsman.


 1. (c) Scotland, 2. (c) unearthly creatures, 3. (b) Fair is foul, and foul is fair, 4. (d) Norwegian Army, 5. (d) boughs, 6. (a) Thane of Glamis, 7. (d) Banquo, 8. (d) Duncan, 9. (b) Inverness, 10. (a) Duncan resembled her father, 11. (c) he wanted to be the king, 12. (d) a bloody child, 13. (c) Fife, 14. (c) Macduff, 15. (a) an ambitious woman, 16. (c) Malcolm, 17. (a) in the morning, 18. (b) Lady Macbeth, 19. (b) a benevolent king, 20. (c) beards, 21. (b) Duncan, 22. (d) riddling terms, 23. (c) ambition, 24. (d) Fleance, 25. (c) Both Banquo and Fleance, 26. (b) an armed head, 27. (d) the assassins, 28. Duncan 29. (a) Macbeth, 30. (a) England, 31. (a) Amen, 32. (c) fickleness and cowardice, 33. (c) King of Scotland, 34. (d) his two sons and attendants, 35. (a) he had sworn to do so, 36. (a) grateful to him.


1. The first apparition warns Macbeth to:(b) Beware Macduff

2.The second apparition tells Macbeth:(c) None of woman born shall harm Macbeth

3.The third apparition prophesies:(b) Macbeth shall not be vanquished until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinan

4.The first apparition in *Macbeth* appears as:**(a) A bloody child(b) A crowned child with a tree in his hand (c) An armed head (d) A ghostly figure

5.The second apparition in *Macbeth* appears as:**(a) An armed head (b) A crowned child with a tree in his hand (c) A bloody child (d) A ghostly figure

6.The third apparition in *Macbeth* appears as:**(a) An armed head (b) A crowned child with a tree in his hand (c) A bloody child (d) A ghostly figure

7. Who is the first to see Duncan's body after his murder?

(d) Macduff

8.What does Lady Macbeth use to drug Duncan’s guards?

(a) Wine

9.What title does Macbeth hold at the beginning of the play?

(b) Thane of Glamis

10.Who flees to England after Duncan’s murder?

(b) Malcolm

11.Which apparition shows Macbeth a line of kings, all resembling Banquo?

(d) Fourth apparition

12.What does Lady Macbeth do in her sleepwalking scenes?

(a) Washes her hands

13.What is the significance of Birnam Wood in the play?

(d) It is where Malcolm and his army disguise themselves  
