Question & Answers of Upon Westminster Bridge

 Questions & Answers of Upon Westminster Bridge  

2014 -2019

Wordsworth uses the Italian sonnet (14 lines divided into octave and sestet) to celebrate the city of London. The first eight lines of the octave follow the rhyme scheme abbaabba; the following six lines of the sestet keep to the rhyme scheme cdcdcd. The poet sees the city as part of the natural landscape; he creates a picture of calm and wonder in the early morning light. Wordsworth's sister Dorothy described the scene seen by her and her brother in her Journal: "It was a beautiful morning. The city, St. Paul's, with the river, and a multitude of little boats, made a most beautiful sight as we crossed Westminster Bridge. The houses were not overhung by their cloud of smoke, and they were spread out endlessly, yet the sun shone so brightly, with such a fierce light; that there was something like the purity of one of nature's own grand spectacles."

Upon Westminster Bridge

Q.What is the name of the river mentioned in "Upon Westminster  Bridge "?

Ans:The name of the river mentioned in "Upon Westminster  Bridge "is Thames.

Q.How is the poet touched? 

Ans:The poet is touched by the untainted beauty of the morning over the city of London. 

Q.What does Wordsworth describe in the poem "Upon Westminster  Bridge "?

Ans: In the poem "Upon Westminster  Bridge "Wordsworth describes the pure and peaceful beauty of the city of London before bustle and hurry of the day have started. 

Q.How is the poet moved? 

Ans :The poet is moved by somnolent beauty of the morning that wraps up the city of London in tranquility.

Q.Who would be dull of soul? 

Ans:Those who ignored the beauty of the morning over the city of London would be dull of soul.

Q.What does the city of London  wear like a garment? 

Ans:The  city of London  wears the beauty of morning  like a garment

Q.How is the beauty of the morning? 

Ans:The beauty of the morning is silent and bare.

Q.'This city '-Which city is referred  to here? 

Ans:The city of London is referred to here. 

Q.What garment did the city wear? (2017)

Ans:The city wore the beauty of the morning like a garment. 

Q.What lie open unto the fields and to the sky? 

Ans:Ships , towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie   open unto the fields and to the sky.

Q.What are glimmering in the smokeless air?

Ans:Ships , towers, domes, theatres, temples, and buildings are glimmering in the smokeless air. 

Q.How does the river glide? 

Ans:The river glides at his own sweet will. 

Q.What seem asleep? 

Ans:The very houses  seem asleep. 


Q.What is described as the garment of  the city in the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge'?(2014)

Ans:The beauty of the morning or the first rays of the morning sun over the city of London is described as the garment of the city.

Q. Why is the atmosphere 'silent' and 'bare'?  (2019)

Ans. The atmosphere is 'silent' and 'bare' because it is too early in the morning for people or vehicles to move about. 

Q. When did the poet view the city?   (2017)

Ans. The poet viewed the city early in the morning.

Q.What does the poet see from the Westminster Bridge?( 2019)

Ans. From the Westminster Bridge the poet sees the beauty of the city of London in the bright morning.

Q. Which city, according to Wordsworth, is the fairest one? (2018) 

Ans. According to Wordsworth, the fairest city is London.

Q.How does Wordsworth describe the beauty of the morning? 2015

Ans:Wordsworth describes the beauty of the morning as silent, bare and so touching in its majesty.

Q.What is the feeling that Wordsworth experiences which he has never experienced before?2016

Ans:It is the natural beauty and tranquility that he experiences in the morning, standing upon West Minster Bridge./ 


Wordsworth experiences the natural beauty and tranquility in the morning  which he has never experienced before

Q. How does Wordsworth describe the air in the city?2016

Ans:The air in the city in the morning is smokeless.


Wordsworth describes the air  in the city as smokeless.

Q.Who/Which is compared with roaring giant? 

Ans :The city of London is compared with roaring giant. 

Q.What does the word 'steep' indicate? 

Ans:The word 'steep' indicates 'slope down '.

A Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: [1 mark each]

1. 'Upon Westminster Bridge' is written by - (a) William Davies, (b) Octavio Paz, (c) William Wordsworth, (d) William Blake.

2. The poet sees London as -

a) part of nature, (b) the nerve centre of commerce, (c) alienated from nature, (d) isolated.

 3. The mood in the poem is - (a) tragic, (b) nostalgic, (c) tranquil, (d) comic.

4. The person who passes without enjoying the beauty of the London morning is - (a) dull, (b) innovative, (c) imaginative, (d) busy. XI-'14

5. The sight that Wordsworth saw appeared to him as -

a) mysterious, (b) magical, (c) menacing, (d) majestic. XI-'18

*** 6. In 'Upon Westminster Bridge', the poet views the city -a) in the morning, (b) at noon, (c) in the evening, (d) at night. XI-'19, '17, '15

7. "The river glideth at his own sweet will" - the expression "at his own sweet will" means - (a) forcefully, (b) hurriedly, (c) in a leisurely way, (d) in a way. 

*** 8. 'Upon Westminster Bridge' is a/an - 

(a) sonnet, (b) ballad, (c) ode, (d) lyric. XI-'16 

9. The poem is composed on -

(a) September 3, 1902, (b) October 3, 1802, (c) September 3, 1802, (d) September 13, 1802. 

10. The river mentioned in the poem is - (a) The Ganges, (b) The Thames, (c) The Nile, (d) The Yamuna.

11. The word 'glideth' means - (a) flows gently, (b) blows, (c) walk quickly, (d) moves naturally. 

12. The poet never saw or felt - (a) a calm so deep, (b) deep feelings, (c) clear and fresh, (d) none of these.

13. "A sight so touching" - the poet means to say that the sight - (a) can be touched easily, (b) cannot touch anyone, (c) can easily touch one's heart, (d) is a touch of different colours.


Exercise A

Tick the right choice.

1. The mood in the poem is

a. tragic.

c. nostalgic.

b. comic.

d. tranquil.

2. The poet sees London as

a. part of nature.

b. the nerve-centre of commerce. 

c. alienated from nature.

d. isolated.

3. The poet enhances London by using

a. details in architecture.

b. references to royalty.

c. highlights of the city.

d. superlatives.

4. London is seen

a. in the morning light. 

b. at twilight.

c. at noon.

d. at midnight.

5. Identify the simile

a. Earth has nothing to show that is fairer.

b. The air is bright and glittering.

C.The city wears the beauty of the morning like a garment. 

d.The sun steeps the city in its splendour.

Examination 2023
