Leela's Friend 

By R.K.Narayan 



A. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given :

1. Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of - 

(a) dust, (b) cloud, (e) moon, (d) stars.( XI-'14')

2. Sidda knows - (a) the deity, (b) the moon, (c) the policeman, (d) thieves.( XI-16) 

3. Leela knew - (a) all the letters, (b) none of the letters, (c) 10 or 12 letters, s. (d)2 or or 3 letters.

4. Sidda had to sleep at night -


(a) in the servant's quarter, (b) in the drawing , (c) outside the house, (d) in the veranda. 

5. Mr Sivasanker saw Leela carrying the chain in her hand -

(a) once or twice, (b) twice, (c) thrice, (d) several times.

6. Leela lost her - (a) doll, (b) diamond necklace, (c) earring, (d) gold chain. XI-'15 ***

7. Leela's mother found the gold chain in the -(a) turmeric pot, (b) red chilli pot, (c) black pepper pot, (d) tamarind pot. XI-'17, '14 

8. Sidda's company made Leela - (a) excited, (b) unhappy, (c) morose, (d) supremely happy.

9. Leela took Sidda's class during - (a) evening, (b) dusk, (c) afternoon, (d) morning. 

10. Mr Sivasanker considered Sidda as a/an - (a) thief, (b) dacoit, (c) old criminal, (d) smuggler.

11. The source of the story is- (a) Malgudi Days, (b) The Guide, (c) Swami and friends, (d) None of these.

12. "At any rate, the fellow looks tidy" - Who is referred to here ? -

(a) Sidda, (b) Mr Sivasanker, (c) police inspector, (d) Leela.

13. Leela firmly believed that Sidda- (a) knew God, (b) knew the moon, (c) knew the stars, (d) knew the sun. **

14. Leela made a noise of 'deprecation' - Here 'deprecation' means -(a) agreement, (b) disapproval, (c) praise, (d) indifference. * 

15. Sidda was utterly incapable of plying the- (a) pen, (b) pencil, (c) chalk, (d) bus.

16. Leela insisted upon having Sidda's company for all her -

(a) reading hours, (b) working hours, (c) waking hours, (d) walking hours.

17. Sidda had been in jail for- (a) three times, (b) four times, (c) half a dozen times, (d) a dozen times.

18. Colour of the ball Leela and Sidda played with, was - (a) red, (b) blue, (c) yellow, (d) white. 

19. Sidda was caught by the police after (a) two days, (b) three days, (c) four days, (d) five days.

20. Sidda was adept at controlling - (a) the Sun, (b) the moon, (c) the star, (d) the ball.

21. Leela wanted to hear from her mother the story of the - (a) magician, (b) elephant, (c) lion, (d) monkey.

22. The thought of Sidda, after his disappearance made Mrs Sivansanker -

(a) panicky, (b) relieved, (c) happy, (d) indifferent.

23. Seeing Sidda, brought in by the police, Leela was - (a) angry, (b) sad, (c) overjoyed, (d) depressed.

24. The police inspector was angry with Leela's father for - (a) indulging Leela too much, (b) not informing him of Sidda's appointment, (c) accusing Sidda with false charges, (d) making Leela sad.

25. "Why are you so rough ?" Here 'you' refers to 

(a) Leela, (b) the police inspector, (c) Leela's mother, (d) Leela's father.


 Leela's Friend


A. 1. (c) moon,

2. (b) the moon, 

3. (d) 2 or 3 letters, 

4. (c) outside the house, 

5. (a) once or twice, 

6. (d) gold chain,

7. (d) tamarind pot,

8. (d) supremely happy, 

9. (b) dusk, 

10. (c) old criminal, 

11. (a) Malgudi Days, 

12. (a) Sidda, 

13. (b) knew the moon,

14. (b) disapproval,

15. (b) pencil, 

16. (c) waking hours, 

17. (c) half a dozen times,

18. (a) red, 

19. (c) four days, 

20. (b) the moon, 

21. (b) elephant, 

22. (a) panicky,

23. (c) overjoyed,

24. (b) not informing him of Sidda's appointment, 

25. (c) Leela's mother

1. What was Mr Sivasanker brooding over, standing in the front veranda of his house ? 


2. What was Mr Sivasanker's first impression of Sidda? XI-'19, 

3. Why did Sidda leave the old master's house ? XI-'15

4. What did Sidda do to Mr Sivasanker's house ? XI-'17, '14

5. Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky ? XI-'18, '15 

6. How, according to Sidda, could Leela touch the sky? XI-'16

7. What did Leela ask Sidda to draw? XI-'18

8. "I told you to take it off and put it in the box." - What does 'it' refer to here ? XI-'19

9. Where does Mr Sivasanker first meet Sidda?

10. Who persuaded to employ Sidda?

11. How old is Leela ?

12. What did Sidda and Leela play with ?

13. What picture could Leela draw ?

14. How did Sidda seek relief from Leela's class?

 15. Why was the police inspector furious?

16. On what condition did the police inspector agree to release Sidda?

17. Where was Sidda hanging about?

18. How was Sidda paid for the work in Mr Sivasanker's house ?

19. What did Sidda tell Leela about the moon ?

20. What was in the sky, according to Sidda?

21. What kind of story did Sidda tell Leela ?

22. Who brought in Sidda to Mr Sivasanker's house?

23. "Take him to the station" - Who gave this instruction and to whom?

