Block Diagram 


Q.Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given : [1 mark each]

1.The daughter of the banished Duke was - (a) Celia, (b) Viola, (c) Aliena, (d) Rosalind. XI-'14

2. Orlando was the youngest son of (a) Adam, (b) Sir Rowland de Boys, (c) Frederick, (d) Ferdinand. XI-'15

3. When Rosalind came to know that Orlando was the son of her father's friend, she gave him -- (a) a gold ring, (b) a gold coin, (c) a gold chain, (d) a gold earring. XI-'19

4. Rosalind and Celia went to the Forest of Arden - (a) in a carriage, (b) in disguise, (c) with an army, (d) on horseback. XI-'18, '15

5. Rosalind disguised herself as a male and called herself as - (a) Aliena, (b) Sir Rowland de Boys, (c) Frederick, (d) Ganymede. XI-'14

6. The duke and his followers liked the life in the Forest of Arden because (a) it was a lazy life of luxury and comfort, (b) it was a life more relaxing than that in the court, (c) it was dangerous and challenging, (d) they loved hunting. 

7. The sharp teeth of the cold wind in winter is nothing, according to the Duke Senior, compared to man's (a) love, (b) jealousy, (c) unkindness and ingratitude, (d) happiness. XI-'16

8. The daughter of the banished Duke was - (a) Celia, (b) Viola, (c) Aliena, (d) Rosalind. XI-'14

9.Celia was Rosalind's - (a) enemy, (b) rival, (c) real friend, (d) lover.

10. Who was Orlando's elder brother? - (a) Adam, (b) Ganymede, (c) Oliver, (d) none of them.

11. The actual identity of Aliena was - (a) Rosalind, (b) Celia, (c) Oliver, (d) Adam.

12. Once upon a time France was divided into - (a) kingdoms, (b) states, (c) cities, (d) dukedoms.

13. The old duke found sermons in - - (a) books, (b) trees, (c) stones, (d)brooks

14. The lioness was waiting to attack - (a) Orlando, (b) Oliver, (c) Adam, (d) Aliena.

15. Oliver envied Orlando for (a) his strength, (b) his intelligence, (c) his fine personality and dignified manner, (d) his skill in wrestling.

16. Duke Frederick's mind was changed by (a) his daughter, (b) the old duke, (c) a hermit, (d) a king. -

17. In the Forest of Arden, the Duke and his companions lived like - (a) Robinson Crusoe, (b) Robinhood, (c) Pirates, (d) Romeo.

18. In the Forest of Arden, Orlando and Adam suffered with (a) comfort and food, (b) cold and chilled wind, (c) hunger and fatigue, (d) warmth and comfort. -

19. On the trees, Orlando carved the name of (a) Rosalind, (b) Celia, (c) Ganymede, (d) Aliena.

20. At the end _______became the heir of the dukedom - (a) Aliena, (b) Rosalind, (c) Celia, (d) Oliver.

21.Who was Orlando's elder brother? - (a) Adam, (b) Ganymede, (c) Oliver, (d) none of them.

22. The actual identity of Aliena was - (a) Rosalind, (b) Celia, (c) Oliver, (d) Adam.

23. The actual identity of Ganymede  was - (a) Rosalind, (b) Celia, (c) Oliver, (d) Adam.

24. The old duke found sermons in - - (a) books, (b) trees, (c) stones, (d) brooks.

25. The banished duke found tongues in - (a) rivers, (b) trees, (c) leaves, (d) stones.

26. The banished duke found books in - (a) trees, (b) flowing streams, (c) leaves,(d) nature.

27. Rosalind felt pity for Orlando for his - - (a) illness, (b) weakness, (c) suffering, (d) friendless condition.

28. Rosalind was happy to hear that Orlando was -

(a) a fighter, (b) a skilled wrestler, (c) the son of the banished Duke, (d) the son of her father's friend.

29. The faithful servant of Sir Rowland de Boys was - (a) Adam, (b) Charles, (c) Orlando, (d) Oliver.

30. Rosalind and Celia left the palace in disguise of -

(a) two sisters, (b) two brothers, (c) a countryman and a countrywoman, (d) husband and wife.

31. Oliver's plan to burn Orlando was overheard by - (a) Sir Rowland de Boys, (b) Adam, (c) Rosalind, (d) Celia.

32. The lioness was waiting to attack - (a) Orlando, (b) Oliver, (c) Adam, (d) Aliena.
