QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS OF MEETING AT NIGHT

1. 'Meeting at Night' is written by - (a) TS Eliot, (b) HW Longfellow, (c√) Robert Browning, (d)William Blake.

2. 'Meeting at Night' is -(a√) a love poem, (b) an adventurous poem, (c) a war poem, (d) a religious poem. XI-'17, 14

3. The spurt of a lighted match, as described in 'Meeting at Night' is (a) grey, (b) black, (c√) blue, (d) yellow. XI-'15

4. The 'yellow light' is the poet's - (a) friend, (b) enemy, (c) companion, (d√) guiding light for destination.XI-'19

5. In 'Meeting at Night' the beach is - (a) balmy, (b) sandy, (c) dry, (d√) sea-scented. XI-'16

6. The colour of the half-moon is - (a) grey,(b)black(c) pink, (d√) yellow. XI-'18

7. The word 'prow' means - (a) verses, (b√) the front part of a boat, (c) the back part of a boat, (d) anchor

8. The poet's boat slows down in the - (a) rivulet, (b) mud, (c) rocky beach, (d√) slushy sand.

9.The lover gains the cove -a) with pushing prow. 

10. How does the poet describe the sea, the land and the moon ?- (a) through poetic phrases, (b√) through use of colour, (c) through graphics, (d) through rhyme.

11. The sea scented beach is - (a) dry, (b) cool, (c) slushy, (d√) warm.

12. Coming down from the boat the narrator crosses -(a) one mile, (b√) three fields, (c) miles after miles, (d) a deep forest

13.The narrator crosses three fields until he reaches - (a) the garden, (b) the bay, (c√)the farm, (d) the field.

14.The word 'slushy means - (a) slippery, (b) sandy, (c) marshy, (d√) soft and muddy.

15.In 'Meeting at Night, the two hearts beat in- (a) fear, (b) wonder, (c√) excitement, (d) sorrow

16.What does the lover gain in his journey?- (a) beach, (b√) cove, (c) farm house, (d) boat.

17.The little waves are startled by - (a) the ship, (b) the breeze in the sea, (c) the moonlight, (d√) the boat

18. "...the quick sharp scratch" Here the word 'scratch' describes - (a) the tap at the window pane, (b) fingers scratching at the door, (c√) the sound of a match stick being lighted, (d) the rustling of leaves.

19.The phrase "warm sea-scented beach" connotes - (a) the warmth of the land, (b) the temperature night, (c√) the warmth of anticipation, (d) the smell of Salt.

20 .Coming down from the boat the narrator crosses -(a) two miles , (b√) one mile , (c) miles after miles, (d)five miles .
