The Poetry of Earth By John Keats

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Short Questions & Answers of The Poetry of Earth By John Keats .

Questions and Answer of The Poetry of Earth By John Keats.

A. Answer the following questions each in a complete sentence.

1. Who wrote 'The Poetry of Earth'?

Ans: John Keats wrote 'The Poetry of Earth'.

2. What form of sonnet does Keats use to write 'The Poetry of Earth?

Ans: Keats uses the Petrarchan form of sonnet.(Octave+ Sestet)

3. Why is the poetry of earth never dead?

Ans:Poetry of the earth is never dead because nature's music can be heard through all season.

4. What does the poet mean by the Poetry of Earth?

Ans.:-'The Poetry of Earth' indicates the natural music of earth.

5. What makes the birds faint? 

Ans:The sun makes the birds faint

6.Where do the birds hide? 

Ans:The birds hide in cooling trees.

7. " a voice will run" -Whose voice is referred to here? 

Ans: The voice of Grasshopper is referred to here.

8.Whose voice will run and where?

Ans:The voice of Grasshopper will run about the new-mown mead.

9. Who takes the lead in summer luxury? 

Ans:The  Grasshopper takes the lead in summer luxury.

10. Where are the Grasshoppers found? 

Ans:The Grasshoppers are found from hedge to hedge.

11. What does the voice of the Grasshoppers symbolize?

Ans:The voice of the Grasshopper symbolizes the music of nature.

12. What does the phrase 'summer luxury ' indicate?

Ans:The  phrase 'summer luxury ' indicates that summer has its own peculiar charm and it is highly enjoyable to the grasshopper. It also indicates the poet's sensuousness.

13. Whose delights never come to an end?

Ans: The Grasshopper's delights never come to an end.

14.'he has never done...'  -Who is 'he'? 

Ans : Here 'he' refers to the Grasshopper. 

15. What does Keats present in the octave?

Ans:In the octave Keats presents the music of summer in the voice of grasshopper.

16. What does Keats present in the sestet?

Ans: In the sestet Keats presents the music of winter in the song of cricket. 

17. How does cricket warm the winter frost?

Ans: Cricket warms the winter frost with its music.

18. Where does Grasshopper take rest at ease?

Ans : Grasshopper takes rest at ease beneath some pleasant weed.

19. What has wrought silence?

Ans : Frost has wrought silence.

20. What carries the music through the warmth of summer?

Ans: Grasshopper carries the music through the warmth of summer

21. What carries the music of winter?

Ans: Cricket carries the music of winter.

22. Why does the person believe the cricket is the Grasshopper?

Ans : The person believes the cricket is the Grasshopper because the warmth of cricket's song leads him to imagine the Grasshopper in the hills.

23. Where does Keats find inspiration?

Ans: Keats finds inspiration in nature.

24.Who is tired out with fun  ?

Ans: Grasshopper is tired out with fun.

25.What constitutes the poetry of earth?

Ans:The songs of the Grasshopper and the Cricket constitute the poetry of earth.

26.Where from is cricket's song heard?

Ans: Cricket's song is heard from stove.

27.When has the frost wrought silence?

Ans:The frost has wrought silence on a lone winter evening.

