QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS OF OTHELLO ,Important MCQ for Class XI WBCHSE ,MCQ from Othello ,Important MCQ of Othello

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS OF OTHELLO ,Important MCQ for Class XI WBCHSE ,MCQ from Othello ,Important MCQ of Othello



Brabantio(Senator of Venice)

Desdemona (daughter of Brabantio)

Othello( a moor /valiant soldier /General)

Iago +Emilia

Michael Cassio  (Florentine Soldier,

Emilia ( Iago's wife)

A. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given :

Othello (a moor,
[1 mark each] 
1. Othello was highly esteemed and revered because (a) he was dark in complexion (b) he was a valiant soldier(c) he could tell wonderful stories (d) he married Desdemona. XI-'14
2. The Turks had prepared to invade - (a) Cyprus, (b) Africa, (c) France, (d) Venice. XI-'18, '15
3. lago was - (a) good at heart, (b) learned, (c) very religious, (d) crafty. XI-'16
4. In describing Othello's restlessness the drugs that Shakespeare mentions as failing to bring him peace of mind are(a) Hashish and Poppy, (b) Poppy and Mandragora, (c) Hemp and Nightshade, (d) Hemlock and Poppy.   XI-'16
5. Othello accused Desdemona of being :-(a) jealous, (b) selfish, (c) suspicious, (d) unfaithful. XI-17
6. Othello had promoted Cassio to the rank of (a) General, (b) Duke, (c) Lieutenant, (d) Senator. XI-'18, 15 
7. Othello's first gift to Desdemona was a - (a) fan, (b) gown, (c) book, (d) handkerchief. XI-'19, '17
8. Brabantio was - (a) the Duke of Venice, (b) the rich Senator of Venice, (c) the General of Venice, (d) the councillor of Venice.
9. Othello was - (a) a Moor, (b) a French, (c) a Spanish, (d) a German.
10. When Othello accused Desdemona of being untrue to him, she - (a) broke down and admitted her guilt, (b) stormed out of the chamber, (c) tried to divert his mind from serious thought, (d) was stupefied.
11. Desdemona was very much interested in listening to - (a) music, (b) stories of adventure, (c) stories of ghosts, (d) recitation of poems.
12. Who pointed out if Othello had seen a handkerchief in Desdemona's hand ? -
(a) lago, (b) Cassio, (c) Brabantio, (d) none of them.
13. Othello was accused by Brabantio of (a) winning Desdemona's heart, (b) casting spell and witchcraft to seduce Desdemona, (c) marrying her without the consent of Brabantio, (d) all of the above.
14. Othello murdered Desdemona by- (a) shooting her, (b) stabbing her, (c) poisoning her, (d) stifling her to death by covering her up in the sheet.
15. Desdemona promised Cassio - (a) to elope with him, (b) to plot a murder scheme, (c) to give back his post, (d) to help him to give back his post.
16. lago was executed - (a) generously, (b) lavishly, (c) bitterly, (d) with strict torture.
17. lago hated - (a) Emilia, (b) Brabantio, (c) Montano, (d) Cassio.
18. Othello was confused about -
(a) Desdemona's honesty, (b) Cassio's honesty, (c) both (a) and (b), (d) his own honesty. 
19. Othello had been risen to the rank of (a) Commander, (b) Major, (c) General, (d) Sergeant
20. Othello's tragedy lies in his - (a) trust on lago, (b) pride, (c) cruelty, (d) extreme love for Cassio. XI-19
21. Othello married Desdemona - (a) in a church, (b) in a temple, (c) in a mosque, (d) privately.
22. Who had set sail a fleet towards the island of Cyprus? - (a) Dutch, (b) Spanish, (c) Americans, (d) Turks.
.23. According to lago, the most intolerable torment of man is the pain of -
(a) jealousy, (b) physical torture, (c) insult by others, (d) the less of money. 
24. The murderer who attempted to kill Cassio, was employed by -
(a) Othello, (b) Desdemona, (c) lago, (d) Brabantio. 
25. The statement of Othello was confirmed by -
(a) Desdemona herself, (b) the courtiers, (c) the witness, (d) Brabantio.
26. Desdemona was awakened by -
(a) the call of Othello, (b) the kisses of Othello, (c) sudden terror, (d) the knock on the door. 
27. Desdemona's attendant laid on her bed -
(a) a black blanket, (b) a new bedsheet, (c) the usual bedsheet, (d) the wedding bedsheet.
28. Being drunk, Cassio got involved in a scuffle with (a) lago, (b) Montano, (c) Othello, (d) Brabantio.
29. What made Othello decide to kill himself ? (a) extreme suspicion, (b) extreme anguish, (c) extreme jealously, (d) none of these. 
30. Cassio was - (a) Desdemona's friend, (b) Desdemona's husband, (c) Emilia's friend, (d) Emilia's husband.
31.Emilia stole - (a) the purse of Desdemona, (b) the jewellery of Desdemona, (c) the purse of Othello,
(d) the handkerchief of Desdemona.
32. Othello went to Cyprus along with - (a) Barbantio, (b) the Duke, (c) Desdemona, (d) none of them.
33. Cassio's promotion caused lago's - (a) jealousy, (b) pleasure, (c) frustration, (d) indifference.
34. Othello was a strict observer of - (a) honesty, (b) freedom, (c) truth, (d) discipline.
35. Othello's mother was given the handkerchief by
(a) a French woman, (b) a Venetian woman, (c) Turkish woman, (d) an Egyptian woman. 
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS OF OTHELLO ,Important MCQ for Class XI WBCHSE ,MCQ from Othello ,Important MCQ of Othello
