Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given: [1 mark each]

1. The 'Comedy of Errors' is set the city of (a) Illyria, (b) Syracuse, (c) Ephesus, (d) Corinth. XI-19

2. A cruel law was made at (a) Syracuse, (b) Ephesus, (c) a banquet, (d) an inn.

3. Aegeon was the merchant of (a) Ephesus, (b) Syracuse, (c) Arden, (d) Menaphon. XI-'14

4. Aegeon was separated from his wife because - (a) they met with a sandstorm, (b) they met with a violent storm on the sea, (c) they got lost in the jungle, (d) they were lost in the fair. XI-'14

5. The Elder Antipholus lived at Ephesus for

(a) twenty years, (b) eighteen years, (c) five years, (d) two years. XI-'18, '15

6. Antipholus Younger was a - (a) Duke, (b) Merchant, (c) Soldier, (d) Fisherman.

7. "I am like a drop of water in the ocean." - Who said this? -
(a) Elder Antipholus, (b) Antipholus Younger, (c) Elder Dromio, (d) Dromio Younger. XI-'17

8. The Elder Dromio's wife was - (a) Poor, (b) Rich, (c) Dowsabel, (d) Dolores. XI-'16

** 9. The Abbess discovered that Adriana was in the habit of (a) suspecting her husband, (b) scolding her husband, (c) teasing her husband, (d) instigating her husband. 

** 10. The fishermen who rescued Aegeon's wife and children from the storm were from-(a) Greece, (b) France, (c) Corinth, (d) Spain. XI-'19
11. According to Aegeon, his own life was -(a)
Very unfortunate and miserable.

12. As ransom of his life Aegeon was demanded of (a) one hundred marks, (b) one thousand marks, (c) all
his belongings, (d) five thousand marks.

XI-18, '15

13. Aegeon's wife gave birth to - (a) two twin boys, (b) two twin girls, (c) a girl, (d) a boy.
14. The name of Aegeon's sons were - (a) Aegeon the second, (b) Dromio, (c) Antipholus, (d) Orlando.

** 15. Who was the younger sister of Adriana ?- (a) Tatiana, (b) Luciana,(c) Lucy, (d) Hermia

* 16. Adriana's real husband was -(a) Elder Antipholus, (b) Antipholus Younger, (c) Elder Dromio, (d) Younger Dromio

17. Aegeon could not pay the fine to the duke because -
(a) he was very poor, (b) he had no money with him, (c) he became bankrupt, (d) none of these.

18. Aegeon was discovered in the streets of (a) Illyria, (b) Cyprus, (c) Ephesus, (d) Syracuse.

19. The twin slaves were named - (a) Dromio, (b) Antipholus, (c) Adriana, (d) Luciana.

20. The elder son of Aegeon was - (a) Antipholus of Syracuse, (b) Antipholus of Ephesus, (c) Antipholus of
Masidone, (d) Antipholus of Sweden.

21. Aegeon was separated from his wife - (a) on land, (b) in the sea, (c) in an earthquake, (d) in a scuffle.

22. Adriana sent Dromio to Antipholus to- (a) fetch him to dinner, (b) give him some letter, (c) give him an
ornament, (d) meet his younger brother.

23. Dromio gave Antipholus of Syracuse a purse of - (a) gold, (b) silver, (c) diamond, (d) jewellery.

24. The ransome money for Aegeon's life was offered by - (a) the Lady Abbess, (b) Antipholus of Ephesus, (c) Antipholus of Syracuse, (d) Adriana.
