Character of Chubukov ||Sketch the character of Chubukov.|| Describe the Character of Chubukov.

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Character of Chubukov.||Sketch the character of Chubukov.|| Describe the Character of Chubukov.
Character of Chubukov : The Proposal
Q.Describe the character of Chubukov.

Ans. Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov is one of the major characters in Anton Chekhov's one-act play "The Proposal'.He is a landowner.He is seventy years old. He is the father of Natalya who is on the verge of crossing the nuptial age. Chubukov is an astute business man who keeps at heart the interest of his property and his daughter. He wants Natalya to get married at any cost and thinks her to be a liability. He is in search of a worthy suitor for her. When Lomov unfolds his mind and puts forward the marriage proposal, he readily accepts it with much delight. Again when the dispute over the land starts between Lomov and Natalya, he takes his daughter's stand and proves himself as a stubborn and possessive landlord. As a sensible person, later on, he also tries his best to appease the situation. When Lomov is driven out of the house and Natalya goes hysteric to bring Lomov back, he has to abide by his daughter's whims. Though utterly reluctant, he calls Lomov back. The heavy task of humiliation actualized as he must get rid of Natalya, the 'love-sick cat. Thus he is a sensible father and interesting character. This character represents class attitudes rather than full-grown personalities.
