Short Questions and Answers of Sonnet No.18


Short Questions and Answers of Sonnet No.18  

"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day"

A. Answer the following questions each in a complete sentence…     


1.Who wrote “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”?                                                                                                               

Ans: William Shakespeare wrote the poem “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day.

2.What kind of poem is “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”?

Ans:- Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” is a sonnet.(lyrical)

3.Who is addressed to in the poem ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’?

Ans:- Poet’s young beloved friend is addressed to in the poem ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’

4.How did William Shakespeare compare his young friend to?

Ans:- William Shakespeare compared his young friend to a summer’s day.

5.What shakes the darling buds of May?

Ans:-Rough winds shake the darling buds of May.

6.What does the poet mean by phrase “the eye of heaven”?

Ans:- By the phrase “the eye of heaven” the poet means the sun.

7.Who will not brag that thou wand’rest in his shade?

Ans:- Death will not brag that thou wand’rest in his shade.

8.What does sometime decline in nature?

Ans: Every fair from fair sometime declines  in nature.

9.What will make the poet’s friend eternal?/ What will give life to the poet’s friend?

Ans:- The poet’s eternal lines (of sonnet/poetry) will make his friend eternal.                                                                                      

10.What did Shakespeare compare his young friend to?                                                                       

 Answer: Shakespeare compared his young friend to a summer’s day.                                                                                                                                                                                 

 11.What shakes the darling buds of may?                                                                                               

Ans : Rough winds shake the darling buds of may.                                                                         

12.What will make the poet’s friend eternal?                                                                                 

 Answer : The poet’s eternal lines will make the poet’s young friend eternal.                                                                                                                                                                                                           

13 . Who will not brag that ‘thou wande’rst in his shade?                                                                   

Answer : Death   will not brag that ‘thou wande’rst in his shade.                                                                                                                                                                                    

14.”But thy eternal summer shall not fade “ -Who is “thy” referred to here?                                                        .

 Ans:Here ‘thy’ refers to poet’s young friend.                                                                                                                                                                                     

 15.”And every fair from fair sometimes declines “—What does the poet mean by two ‘fairs’ ?                                                                  

Ans: The first ‘fair’ means fair object and the second ‘fair’ means beauty or fairness.                                                                                      

16.What are the last two lines of the sonnet called ?                                                                                                                                  

Answer: The last two lines of the sonnet  are  called  Rhymed couplet.                                                                                                                                                                                              

17.What will give life to the poet’s friend ?                                                                                                

Answer : The poet’s sonnet will give life to the poet’s friend.                                                         

18.”so long lives this and this gives life to thee”---- What does ‘’this’’ refer to here?                                                       

Answer: Here ‘’this’’ refers to the sonnet of  Shakespeare.

19.What dims sun’s complexion ?

Answer: Cloud dims sun’s complexion.

20. Who is more temperate than summer’s day?

Answer: Poet’s young beloved friend is more temperate than summer’s day.

21.The eye of heaven refers to (a) The sun (b) The moon (c)The stars (c) None of these                                                                                         

22. “and often his god complexion dimmed ‘ – Here ‘his ‘ refers to -(a) The sun (b) The moon (c)The stars (c) None of these                                                                                                                                                                                                        23.”Eternal summer” means--- (a) Youth (b) Death (c) Green Forest (d) May                                                                                                          

 24.Which month is referred to in Sonnet No 18?  (a)January (b) February (c)March (d) May  

25.  ‘Summer’s lease’ means  ---(a)  duration of summer which is very brief.

26. “darling buds of May” –The   expression contains    ----(a). metaphor.     

27.What is the complexion of the sun?

Answer :The complexion of the sun is gold.

28.How is the complexion of the sun dimmed?

Answer :The complexion of the sun is dimmed by clouds.

29.What does every fair from fair decline?

Ans:Every fair from fair declines by chance, or nature's changing course.

30.What does the term ' summer lease ' indicate?

Ans:The term ' summer lease ' indicates summer's duration (which is very brief).

31. What do you mean by the term' thy eternal summer '?

Ans: The term ' thy eternal summer ' means everlasting beauty of poet's friend.

Examination 2023
