Question and answers of the poem " Daybreak "


Question and answers of the poem " Daybreak "

1.Who wrote the poem 'Daybreak' ?
Ans: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote  the poem 'Daybreak'.
2.Where from did the wind come up ?
Ans :The wind came up out of the sea.
3.What did the wind hail ?
Ans The wind hailed the ships.
4.What did the wind tell the mariners ?
Ans : The wind told the mariners to sail on.
5.What did the wind tell the forest ?
Ans :The wind told the forest to shout and hang all its leafy banners .
6.What did the wind touch ?
Ans : The wind touched the wood-bird's folded wing.
7.What did the wind tell the bird ?
Ans :The wind told the bird to awake and sing.
8.What did the wind tell the chanticleer ?
Ans :The wind told the chanticleer to blow its clarion.
9.What did the wind tell to the field of corn ?
Ans :The wind told the field of corn to bow down and hail the coming morning .
10.What is belfry tower ?
Ans : Belfry tower is a kind of tower that contains the church bell .
11.What did the wind tell the bell ?
Ans :The wind told the bell to proclaim the hour.
12.How did the wind cross the churchyard ?
Ans :The wind crossed the churchyard with a sigh .
13.Why does not the wind want to disturb the repose of those sleeping in the graveyard?
Ans :The wind does not want to disturb the repose of those sleeping in the graveyard because it is not the time for them to wake up yet.
14.What does Longfellow trace in the poem "Daybreak"?
Ans: Longfellow traces the journey of the wind  as it passes over land and ocean ,ushering in fresh lively activities with daybreak.
