The story of three artists


Q.Write  a story with the help of the following outline.

Hints: art competition-participants include three artists-one draws bunch of flowers, another some fruits ,third draws a curtain -bees sit on the flowers-birds come to eat fruits-curtain deceives the judge-the third artist wins the prize.


 Once a competition was held among three artists to decide who among them was the best. A judge was appointed to decide who would win the first prize.

The competition began. One artist painted a flower. The second artist painted a fruit. And the third one painted a curtain. The painted flower looked so beautiful and natural that it attracted a bee which sat on it. The fruit also looked so nice and natural that it attracted the birds which wanted to eat it. The judge saw these pictures and praised them.

Then the judge saw the painted curtain. It looked nice from a distance and the judge thought it to be real and natural. He was deceived and wanted to touch it. The first picture deceived an insect, the second one deceived an animal while the third one deceived a human being. Hence the judge had no hesitation to declare the third artist as the best one.

Moral: The best deserves the award
