"Sidda, come and play!"-Who is the speaker? What would Sidda do when he heard this call? What kind of games did the speaker play?


Q."Sidda, come and play!"-Who is the speaker? What would Sidda do when he heard this call? What kind of games did the speaker play? [Annual Exam 2019][ 1+1+4]

Ans. In R.K Narayan's short story" Leela's Friend ", the speaker is Leela.

When  Sidda heard this call, he would drop any work he might be doing and run to Leela.

Leela and Sidda  used to play games with a red ball and the moon. Leela flung the red ball at him and Sidda flung it back. Following Leela's wish, Sidda threw the ball up and told her that the ball had touched the moon. Leela was taken aback. Sidda told Leela that he had asked the moon to follow them from the rose plant to the well and Leela easily believed it. But whatever might be the game, they both enjoyed each other's company.
