"Why are you so formal in your get up?"- Who is the speaker? Who is being spoken to? What led the speaker to make the comment ?


"Why are you so formal in your get up?"- Who is the speaker? Who is being spoken to? What led the speaker to make the comment ?

Ans: In Anton Chekhov's one-act play 'The Proposal', Chubukov, the aged landowner, is the speaker here.

 The person who is being spoken to is Lomov. /Lomov is being spoken to.

Lomov has come to visit Chubukov's house.He  is in a formal evening dress. He is wearing a dress jacket and white gloves. Actually his purpose is to propose to Chubukov's daughter, Natalya. He is well-dressed because he wants to impress Natalya as her smart suitor.Moreover, a formal dress suits a formal occasion. But Chubukov cannot understand why Lomov is so gorgeously dressed. It seems to him that Lomov is going to attend a New Year's Eve party to welcome the New year. This situation led the speaker to make this comment. 
