How does Leela attempt to educate Sidda in turn? How does Sidda get relief?

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Q.. How does Leela attempt to educate Sidda in turn? How does Sidda get relief? 

Ans. Leela finds a great joy to play the teacher to Sidda. At dusk Sidda carries Leela home. She holds a class for him. She plays the teacher to Sidda. She makes him squat on the floor with a pencil between his fingers and a catalogue in front of him. She tries to teach him with her little knowledge of the alphabet. She writes the letter 'B' or draws a kind of cat or crow, and asks him to copy it. But he is a very poor performer. He cannot even remotely copy any of them. Yet Leela does not give up her effort. She does not allow him to leave his task. The game of teaching goes on for a long time.

Sidda gets relief only by telling lies. He falsely tells Leela that her mother is calling her to dinner. At this Leela runs out of the room and the boring class ends for the day.
