Give a brief account of the Banquet Scene in Macbeth.For Class-XI WBCHSE


Q. Give a brief account of the  'Banquet Scene' in Macbeth .

Give a brief account of the 'Banquet Scene' in Macbeth .(Only For Class -XI WBCHSE )

Answer :

(Lady Macbeth and Macbeth decided to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. For this they arranged a banquet and invited all the chief Thanes along with Banquo and his son Fleance. And Macbeth appointed some assassins to kill Banquo and his son on the way. The assassins killed Banquo, but Fleance managed to escape. )Macbeth and his wife played the role of perfect host with affable and graceful manners that conciliated everyone present in the banquet. Macbeth discoursed freely with the thanes and noblemen and regretted the absence of his dearest friend Banquo. No sooner did he lament for his friend whom he was missing in the banquet, Macbeth saw the ghost of Banquo occupying the seat reserved for him. At this horrible sight, his cheeks became white in fear and he stood quite unmannered with his eyes fixed upon the ghost. His queen and all other nobles saw nothing, but perceived him gazing upon an empty chair. They took it to be a fit of distraction and Lady Macbeth even reproached him and told him it was the same fancy which made him see the dagger in the air when he was about to murder Duncan. But Macbeth continued to visualize the ghost of Banquo and gave no heed to all the noblemen could say and addressed the ghost with distracted words. Lady Macbeth feared that the dreadful secret would be disclosed.In great haste she dismissed the guests excusing the infirmity of Macbeth.


Lady Macbeth and Macbeth decided to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. For this they arranged a banquet and invited all the chief Thanes along with Banquo and his son Fleance. And Macbeth appointed some assassins to kill Banquo and his son on the way. The assassins killed Banquo, but Fleance managed to escape. Meanwhile Macbeth and his wife played the role of perfect hosts with graceful manners. And no sooner did Macbeth express his sorrows for the absent Banquo, than he saw the ghost of Banquo occupying the seat reserved for him. At this horrible sight, his cheeks became white with fear, and he stood perplexed with his eyes fixed upon the ghost. He addressed the ghost with distracted words. Hearing this,Lady Macbeth feared that the dreadful secret would be disclosed.In great haste she dismissed the guests excusing the infirmity of Macbeth.
