Why did Lady Macbeth plot to kill the king ?What did Macbeth say to oppose her?


 Q. Why did Lady Macbeth plot to kill the king? What did Macbeth say to oppose her?(Conflicts of Macbeth before murdering Duncan )

Ans. Lady Macbeth was a ruthless and ambitious woman. Hearing the prediction of the witches, she thought of murdering Duncan to fulfil their flattering prophecy. So she motivated Macbeth by giving multiple reasons.

Macbeth thought there were strong reasons against the murder of the King ,Duncan. Firstly, Macbeth was not only a subject, but also a close relative to the king. Secondly, he had been the king's host and entertainer that day and to murder the king was against the laws of hospitality. So his duty would be to protect the king from the threat of the murderers. Besides , Duncan ,the king was just and merciful. He thought how just and benevolent a king was Duncan ,how clear of offence to his subjects, how loving to his nobility that their subjects were doubly bound to avenge his death .Finally, because of the king's favour, Macbeth  was held in high esteem throughout kingdom
