Don't send him away. Let us keep him in our house.-Who was the speaker ? About whom was it spoken? How did the person or persons react?

 Home>Class-XI >Broad Questions & Answers of "Leela's Friend"

Q. "Don't send him away. Let us keep him in our house."-Who was the speaker ? About whom was it spoken? How did the person or persons react?   

Ans: In R.K Narayan's short story "Leela's Friend ”Leela was the speaker.

It was said about Sidda.

Mr Sivasanker and his wife could not decide whether they would engage Sidda or not. Then Leela,their five years old daughter came out and urged them to engage Sidda.So they decided to engage Sidda as a servant in their house. They also decided to give Sidda two meals a day and four rupees a month as his wages. Thus Leela's words made them consider Sidda favourably for employing  in their  household.
