Write a substance of the poem Daybreak


Q.Write a substance of the poem 'Daybreak' . 

Ans:. In Longfellow's Daybreak the wind comes  out of the sea. It tells the mists to make way for it. (It takes up a duty to spread the news. The heavy mists obstruct the wind). But the wind is determined to blow. The wind  first sees the ships anchored. It greets the ships and urges the mariners to sail on. (But they should be set free from their anchors as the sun rises and darkness is over.) The wind reminds the mariners to undertake a new journey. It blows over the distant lands and calls all to arise and awake. It calls the forest to unfold its leaves, twigs and branches fully and freely. It tells the wood birds to get up and start singing. Their song will announce the beginning of the day. It tells the domestic cocks to blow its clarion.  The light of the sun is the source of life to the plants of the fields.. They should be grateful to the sun. So the wind tells the fields of corn to bow down their heads and express their gratitude. The wind passes through the church tower .It tells  the bell to proclaim  the  hour. Finally, the wind crosses the churchyard with sigh. It deeply feels for the dead and tells them to enjoy the peace and bliss of after life.
