Bring out the significance of the title 'Karma'.


Q. Bring out the significance of the title 'Karma'./What is the moral of the short story 'Karma'

Ans:.Karma ,is the Hindu theological idea. It means destiny .The story is about an identity crisis under the impact of colonialism. In Hinduism and Buddhism, 'Karma' refers to the fruit of one's actions that determines one's destiny. In this story Sir Mohan Lal's sin is his pride and pretension. Sir Mohan Lal suffered the crisis. He was educated at Oxford. He spoke English fluently. He followed their ways.. He was a barrister. He read The Times, wore Balliol tie, drank whisky and smoked only English cigarettes, His wife Lachmi was a native woman. He did not like her. She was not allowed to share the compartment with him. She was just a property to him. Sir Mohan longed for the company of the Sahibs. He hated India and his countrymen. He felt sad when he found no Englishman in his compartment. But the entry of two English soldiers delighted him. Sir Mohan was ready to welcome them. But the English soldiers could not stand the presence of an Indian in the compartment. They despised the black natives. The story thus reflects an old proverb: "Pride comes before a fall." They pushed him out of his own reserved compartment. He protested in vain. Finally, he realized that educated or illiterate, an Indian was a servant to the English. Sir Mohan with all his snobbery and 'Babu' culture found himself rootless. He was neither an Indian nor an Englishman. He had no identity. He suffered the consequences of his own 'Karma'; the nemesis claimed him. From this point of view the title of the story nicely epitomizes the theme. So it is a fine choice.
