Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily about high prices of essential commodities


Q.Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily  about high prices of essential commodities.

The Editor 
The Statesman 
4 ,Chowranghee Square

Sub: High prices of essential commodities .
Respected Sir ,

I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the columns of your esteemed daily to express my views about the excessive rise in prices of essential commodities or articles .

The prices of essential commodities are increasing day by day  in a galloping speed. The prices of essential commodities like onion ,potato, rice, oil, petrol , diesel etc. have gone up very high .The people of our country, especially the poor, are greatly affected following the excessive rise in prices of daily articles like rice, oil, fish, meat and vegetables. Petrol sells at Rs.112 per litter. Rice sells at Rs.40 per kg. The poor people in particular can hardly maintain their families. The dishonest hoarders and black marketeers are the main culprits causing the rise in prices. Less production is also responsible for price rise.

Under the above circumstances I therefore ,request you to write the leading article on the topic so that government or concerned authority should take appropriate steps as early as possible.

Yours Faithfully,

Bishnupur,Bankura ,
