Said /told -exclaimed  in joy /exclaimed in grief /exclaimed in wonder

(Hurrah !-exclaimed  in/with joy
Bravo !-applauded/cheered in joy
Alas !-exclaimed in grief /sorrow
Goodbye- bade goodbye
By God-swore by God
Good Morning-wished good morning)

What/how.... --very/great  ..

1.Ram said ," Alas! I am undone." 
Ans :Ram exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.
2.He said ," Hurrah! I have got a job."
Ans :He exclaimed with joy that he had got a job.
3.The boys said ," Hurrah ! We have won the match ."
Ans: The boys exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
4.He said ,"What a beautiful sight!"
Ans: He exclaimed with joy that it was a very beautiful sight .
5.He said to me ,"How happy you are !"
Ans :He told me that I was very happy.
6.She said ,"Goodbye, mother!"
Ans: She bade goodbye to her mother./She bade her mother goodbye.
7. He said, "Goodbye, my friends!"
Ans: He bade goodbye to his friends. / He bade his friends goodbye.
8. The teacher said, "Thank you, my boys!"
Ans:The teacher thanked the boys.
9.He said, "Good Gracious! What a huge snake."
Ans: He exclaimed with wonder that it was a huge snake.
10. He said, "Good morning."
Ans:He greeted me (or, wished me)  good morning
11.He said, "What a nice thing it is !"
Ans: He  exclaimed with joy that it was a very nice thing.
12.He said, "Poor fellow! How changed you are."
Ans: He pitied the man and exclaimed that he was greatly changed.
13.Good Heavens! We have reached the station," said the boys.
Ans: The boys exclaimed with delight that they had reached the station.
14. He said to me, "How happy you are !"
Ans: He told me that I was very happy.
15.He said, "By Jove! What a good news."
Ans:He swore by Jove that it was a very good news.
