Write a paragraph on "Street Dog"


Street Dog 

People  used the word 'street dog' as a term of contempt.
In ecosystem there is a place for each and every living being. We all know the faithfulness of the dogs.But we often take inhuman and cruel action against street dogs.Street dogs are seen everywhere. These dogs may be ignored and neglected by us but not unwanted on this earth.To throw a stone at them or to beat them without reason and even to throw hot water at them are very common ways to inflict pain. On humanitarian ground they deserve some care from us as they are actually helpless.If we think with our common sense and logic, we can train and use the street dogs to guard our houses.Every living creature has right to live in this world, similarly the dogs have right to live. But they are ill- treated by us in most of the cases. They should be taken care by all. If we all take a little care for them giving food and shelter, they may prove themselves as the most faithful friends of us.


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