Write a paragraph on "The Importance of Tree Plantation"


 The Importance of Tree Plantation   
A Chinese proverb says ‘Planting a tree is better than having nine sons’. It means that a tree can provide better service to man than nine sons can provide. Our life is dependent upon trees. There is a long association of man and trees.( Since the hoary past man and trees have been the two major creations of Nature. In his prehistoric days man turned to trees and plants to collect the things vitally necessary for his existence. Since that time man and trees have been interdependent, though man is more indebted to trees.)The trees help in bringing rain in an indirect way through the process called transpiration. (Through transpiration, trees leave the extra water through the stomata on the leaf surfaces. The water evaporates into the air and adds to the moisture of the air. So the air gets saturated faster and brings rain).Trees and plants produce oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. They use sunlight to convert water and carbon-dioxide into oxygen and carbohydrates. We need oxygen for our survival. It is impossible for human being to survive in this planet without the help of trees. Trees supply us a pollution free atmosphere .Trees prevent soil erosion and protect against draught. The Forestry Department of West  Bengal government distributes saplings free of cost every monsoon to increase number of trees. In the past few decades, there has been massive cutting of trees.(The hunger for agricultural land, hunt for timber and necessity for cheap fuel caused massive deforestation. The tropical forest trees were once the nerve centre of this planet.) A large number of trees have already been destroyed. At some places, trees are being destroyed even today. As an effect of deforestation, there is a threat to the species of biodiversity. 

