"Then I made a mistake "-Who made a mistake ? Why did he call his action a mistake? Did he really make a mistake? How did the speaker get rid of his doubt?


"Then I made a mistake "-Who made a mistake ? Why did he call his action a mistake? Did he really make a mistake? How did the speaker get rid of his doubt? What did the speaker do then?

Ans: In Ruskin Bond's short story " The Eyes Have It "the narrator thought that he had made a mistake. 

# The narrator always tried to hide his blindness. But, in course of conversation, the narrator asked the girl what it was like outside. Then the narrator thought the girl might easily understand him to be a blind person. So he thought that it was a mistake to ask such a foolish question.

# The girl casually asked the narrator why he did not look out of the window. So the narrator did not make any mistake on his part.

# The narrator got rid of his doubt when the girl asked him to look out of the window. 

# The speaker moved easily along the berth and felt for the window ledge. The window was open and he faced it, making a pretence of studying the landscape.
