Important Short Questions and Answers of The Eyes Have It


 Important Short  Questions  of The Eyes Have It   

A. Answer the following questions each in a complete sentence…

1. What advice did the woman give to the girl? 

 Ans: The woman advised the girl as to where to keep her things, not to lean out of the windows and to avoid speaking to strangers.


Which instructions did the woman give to the girl?
Ans:The woman gave the girl detailed instructions as to where to keep her things, when not to lean out of the windows, and how to avoid speaking to strangers.

2. Describe the hills of Mussoorie? 

Ans: In October  ,the hills of Mussoorie are covered with wild dahlias .The sun is delicious and the roads are quiet.

3. What thing of the girl did the man (new traveller ) notice? 

Ans:  The man(new traveller)  noticed the girl’s eyes which were completely blind .

4.  “You must be disappointed”—Who said this and to whom?  Why did the new passenger remark that the narrator must be “disappointed”? 

Ans:   The new passenger said this to the narrator. The new traveller remarked that he was not nearly so attractive as the girl who just left the compartment.

5.”That always happen”-What always happen ?

 Ans:  A passenger from the running train always thinks that he is standing still while the trees outside are moving.

6. How did the narrator compare the girl’s voice? 

Ans:   The narrator compared the girl’s voice to the sparkle of a mountain stream.

7. How did the narrator compare the girl’s aunt’s voice?

 Ans:   The narrator compared the girl’s aunt’s voice to a high pitched female voice.

8. How does the girl react to the remark of the narrator that she has an interesting face? 

Ans:   On hearing the narrator‘s compliment about her face the girl laughed pleasantly.  

9.What does the narrator say about the girls in terms of flattery ? 

Ans:   The narrator says that few girls can resist flattery.

10.What did the girl say about Mussoorie?

 Ans:    The girl said that she loved Mussoorie very much ,especially in October .

11.”They have too much to take in”-Who thought this and about whom? 

Ans:    The narrator thought this about people of normal eyesight.

12.  “I didn’t see you” –Who is the speaker? 

Ans:    The speaker is the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It”.

13. “Oh ,how lucky you are”- Who said this and to whom ? 

Ans:   The girl said this to the narrator.

14.  “Then I made a mistake”-Who is the speaker? What was the mistake? 

Ans:  The speaker is the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It” . The narrator asked the blind girl what it was like outside from the moving train which he later realized was a mistake.

15. What did the narrator first enquire of the girl? How did the narrator strike up a conversation with the girl?                                                         

Ans:  The narrator first enquired of the girl if she was going all the way to Dehra.

16.Where will the narrator get down from the train? 

Ans:  The narrator will get down from the train at Mussoorie.

17. Where will the girl get down from the train?

 Ans:  The girl will get down from the train at Saharanpur.

18.What pretence did the narrator make? 

Ans:  The narrator pretended to observe the landscape through the window of the moving train.

19.Why is the girl tired of?

Ans: The girl is tired of people telling her she has a pretty face.

20. “Once again , I had a game to play”—What game is referred to here ?

 Ans:  Here the game refers to the narrator’s pretence that he can see with his eyes ,though he is blind.

21. “The voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream”—Who is the speaker? Whose voice is referred to here? 

Ans:  The speaker is the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It” .The girl’s voice is referred to here.

22.  “It could be a fascinating game, guessing what went on out there”--- Who is the speaker? What was the fascinating game?                      

 Ans:  The speaker is the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It”. The fascinating game refers to ‘guessing what was going outside the passing train’.

23. “The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie”—Who is the speaker? Who broke the reverie of the speaker? 

Ans:  The speaker is the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It”.The new passenger broke the reverie of the speaker.

24. “But her next question remove my doubts”- Who is the Speaker? What was the next question? What was the “doubt”?                          

Ans:  The speaker is the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It”. The next question was if the narrator could look out of the window. The narrator’s doubt was that if the girl of the compartment could identify his blindness.

25.Who came to see the girl off at the station of Rohana ?

 Ans:  The girl’s parents came to see her off at the station of Rohana.

26.  “The world was shut out again …..”---- When did the narrator think so?

 Ans:  Just after the girl had got down from the train, the carriage door was closed and the narrator felt that the world was shut out again.

27.  “Yet I was prepared to sit there for almost any length of time”-Who is the Speaker? Why was the narrator prepared to sit there for almost any length of time?/What is the suggestion here ? 

Ans: The speaker is the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It”. The narrator was prepared to sit there for almost any length of time just to listen to her talking .The narrator wants to suggest that he likes the sweet company of the girl and wishes to have an endless journey with her.

28.How does the narrator praise the girl ?

 Ans: The narrator praises the girl by saying that she has an interesting face.

29.   “You are a very gallant young man”------ Who says this? When does the speaker say this? 

Ans:  The girl says this.  The narrator first tells the girl that she has an interesting face. Then he says that an interesting face can also be pretty. This prompts the girl to make the above remark 

 30.  “ I’m tired of people telling me I have a pretty face “-Who is the speaker ? 

Ans: The speaker is the girl of Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It”.

Part -2


 Short Questions and Answers of The Eyes Have It 

1.Who wrote "The Eyes Have It"?
Ans:Ruskin Bond wrote "The Eyes Have It".
2.Who accompanied the narrator upto Rohana?
Ans:Nobody accompanied the narrator upto Rohana.
3.Where did the girl get in the train?
Ans:The girl got in the train at Rohana.
4.Who came to see off the girl?
Ans:Probably the girl's parents came to see off the girl.
5.Who seemed very anxious  and why?
Ans:As the girl was totally blind, the girl's parents seemed very anxious about her comfort.
6.Who gave the girl detailed instructions?
Ans:Probably the girl's mother gave the girl detailed instructions.
7.Which instructions did the woman give to the girl?
Ans:The woman gave the girl detailed instructions as to where to keep her things, when not to lean out of the windows, and how to avoid speaking to strangers.
8.Who was totally blind at the time?
Ans:The narrator was totally  blind at the time.
9.When were the narrator's eyes sensitive?
Ans:The narrator's eyes were sensitive only to light and darkness.
10.What did the woman advise the girl to avoid?
Ans:The woman advised the girl to avoid speaking to strangers.
11.What was the narrator unable to tell?
Ans :The narrator was unable to tell what the girl looked like.
12.How did the narrator know that the girl wore slippers?
Ans :The narrator knew the girl wore slippers from the way they slapped against her heels.
13.How did the narrator strike up a conversation with the girl? 
Ans: The narrator stroke up a conversation with the girl by asking her if she was going all the way to Dehra.
14.Whose voice startled the girl? 
Ans:The narrator 's voice startled the girl. 
15.Why was the girl startled? 
Ans:The girl was startled because she did not know anyone else was there. 
16.Why was the girl startled, according to the narrator? 
Ans:According to the narrator , the girl was startled because he must have been sitting  in a dark corner. 
17.What often happens? 
Ans:It often happens that people with good eyesight fail to see what is right in front of them. 
18.Who have to take in only the essentials? 
Ans: The people who cannot see (or see very little) have to take in only the essentials.
19.What does the word "tellingly" indicate? 
Ans:The  word 'tellingly' indicates 'significantly'.
20."I did not see you either "-Who said this and to whom?
Ans:The narrator said this to the girl.
2. Where was the girl going? 
Ans :The girl was going to Saharanpur. 
22.Who will come to receive the girl at Saharanpur? 
Ans:The girl's aunt will come to    receive the girl at Saharanpur. 
23.What is the narrator's view about aunts? 
Ans:According to the narrator, the aunts are usually formidable creatures.    
24. Where was the narrator going? 
Ans:The narrator was going to  Mussoorie. 
25." Oh, how lucky you are "-Who is the speaker ? 
 Who was  lucky and why? 
Ans:The girl is the speaker. 
The narrator was lucky because he was going to Mussoorie. 
26.Who wished to go to Mussoorie ?
Ans:The girl wished to go to Mussoorie. 
27.Who love the hills? 
Ans:The girl  loves the hill.
28." Yes, this is the best time "-Who said this and to whom?
Which is the best time? 
Ans:The narrator said this to the girl. 
According to the narrator, October is the best time
29.How are the hills covered with? 
Ans:The hills are covered with wild dahlias . 
30.How is the sun this time? 
Ans:This time the sun is delicious . 
  31.Who was silent and when? 
Ans:The girl was silent when the narrator was giving the description of Mussoorie.
32."What is it like outside? "-Who said this and to whom? 
Ans:The narrator said this to the girl.
33." But her next question removed my doubts "-Who said this? What was the next question? 
Ans:The narrator said this. 
The girl asked the narrator why he did not look out of the window.This was the next question. 

34.What was the narrator making a pretence? 
Ans:The narrator was making a pretence of studying the landscape. 

35.What did the narrator hear? 
Ans:The narrator heard the panting of the engine and the rumble of the wheels.

36.What could the narrator see in his mind eyes? 
Ans:The narrator could see telegraph posts flashing by.

37.Why did the narrator answer quite confidently? 
Ans: The  narrator answered quite confidently because he knew that there were hardly any animal left in the forest near Dehra. 

38.What did the narrator remark about the girl's face? 
Ans:The narrator remarked that the girl had an interesting face. 

39.What can few girls resist? 
Ans:Few girls can resist flattery. 

40.Who laughed pleasantly? 
Ans:The girl laughed pleasantly. 

41.Who is tired of people telling her she has a pretty face?
Ans:The girl is tired of people telling her she has a pretty face.

42.Who called whom a gallant young man? 
Ans:The girl called the narrator a  gallant young man. 

43."We'll soon be at your station "-Who said this and to whom? Which station is referred to here? 
Ans: The narrator said this to the girl. 
The station of Saharanpur is referred to here

44."Thank goodness It's a short journey" -Who is the speaker? How long cannot the speaker bear to sit in a train? 
Ans:The girl is the speaker. 
She(The speaker)  cannot bear to sit in a train for more than two or three hours.

45.Who was prepared to sit in a train for almost any length of time? 
Ans:The narrator was prepared to sit in a train for almost any length of time. 

46.Why was the narrator prepared to sit in a train for almost any length of time? 
Ans:The narrator was prepared to sit in a train for almost any length of time just to listen to girl's talking.

47.Who was standing very close to the narrator? 
Ans:The girl was standing very close to the narrator. 
48.Why did the narrator want to raise his hand? 
Ans:The narrator wanted to raise his hands to touch the girl's hair.
49.Who stammered an apology? 
Ans:A man, getting into the compartment, stammered an apology.
A new fellow traveller stammered an apology. 
50.Who blew the whistle? 
Ans:The guard blew the whistle. 
51.Who broke into the narrator 's reverie? 
Ans:A new fellow traveller (/third passenger)  broke into the narrator 's reverie. 
52.Why were the eyes of the girl useless to her? 
Ans:The  eyes of the girl were useless to her because she was completely blind. 

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By PKG Sir.
