Short Questions and Answers of the poem,On Killing a Tree.

Short Questions and Answers of the poem,On Killing a Tree.




A. Answer the following questions each in a complete sentence…

1.  “It takes much time to kill a tree”-What does ‘it ‘refer to here? 
Ans:- Here ‘it ‘ refers  to  the killing of a tree  .                                                                                                                                                                           
2. ‘Not a simple jab of the knife will do it’- What does the line suggest? 
Ans: The line suggests that the tree is so strong     that a simple jab of the knife can’t kill a tree.                                                                                                                                                                        
3.’ It has grown slowly consuming the earth’- What does the line suggest?
 Ans: The line suggests that the tree has a slow and steady growth.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
4. How does a tree consume the earth? 
Ans: A tree consumes the earth with the   help of roots.                                                                                                                                                                                                         
5. Where from does a tree rise? 
Ans: A tree rises out of the earth.         

6. What does a tree absorb?
 Ans: A tree absorbs years of sunlight, air and water.                                                                                       
7. What makes the hide of a tree ‘leprous’? 
Ans: As the tree ages, its hide develops some leprous mark.                                                                                                                                                                               
8. ‘And out of its leprous hide’- What do you mean by “leprous hide’? 
Ans: In “On Killing A Tree”  ,“leprous hide” refers    to rough bark of a tree .                                                                                                                                                                                            
9.” But this alone won’t do it.”-- What does ‘this’ refer to here? 
Ans: Here ‘this ‘refers to ‘hack and chop’ by which a tree is injured.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
10. ‘The bleeding bark will heal’-When does the bark bleed?
 Ans: The bark of the tree bleeds when it is hacked and chopped.                                                                                                                                                                                                       

 11.Where from will  the curled green twigs rise ?
 Ans:  The curled green twigs will rise from the bleeding bark close to the ground.                                                           
12. What does the phrase “Miniature boughs” refer?
 Ans: The phrase “Miniature boughs” refers to the very small  branches of a tree.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 13. What is the future of   “Miniature boughs” ? 
Ans: Miniature ‘boughs’ turn into a full grown tree with the passage of time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
14.What should be done to restrict the growth of the tree? ?
 Ans: Miniature boughs of the tree should be checked to restrict the growth of the tree.                                                                                                                                                                  
15.What does the poet mean by ‘anchoring earth’ ?
Ans: The poet wants to mean that the roots of the tree have sunk firmly into the earth to hold properly.                                               (‘Anchoring earth’ symbolizes the safe motherly shelter of the earth for its child tree)                                                                                                                                                                                              

 16.” It is to be roped, tied,”- Why is it to be roped and tied? 
Ans: The tree is to be roped & tied if it is to be killed.                                                                                          
17.How can a tree be killed completely? 
Ans: A tree can be killed completely by uprooting it and by browning ,hardening, twisting and withering .                                                                                                                                                                                             
18.’ And the strength of the tree exposed,’— How/When is the strength of the tree exposed?
Ans: The strength of the tree is exposed when it is pulled out entirely with   its roots.                                                                                                                                                                                                                
19. How is the source of the tree? 
Ans: The source of the tree is white and wet, secret and most sensitive                                                                                                                                                        
 20.   What role did the sun and air play in ‘On killing a tree’?
Ans:   Sun and air played the role of ‘scorching ‘and ‘choking’ to kill a tree completely,                                                                                                                                                                                               

21.Who is the anchor of a tree?  
Ans: Earth is the anchor of a tree.                                                                                                              
22.Where is the source of the tree kept ?
Ans: The source of the tree  is kept in its root under the earth.                                                                                                                                                                
23.” Then the matter” –What does the matter mean? 
Ans: Here ‘matter’ means the act of seasoning the trunk.                                                                                                                                           
24. What does the tree symbolize in ‘On Killing A tree”?
Ans: In ‘On Killing A tree”  the tree is the symbol of life and struggle for existence .                                                                                                                                                                                                               
25. What contributes to the scorching and choking of the tree?
Ans :Sunlight and air  contribute to the scorching and choking of the tree.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 26. “And then it is done.”—What does the expression suggest? What  is done ?
Ans: -Here the expression suggests the final destruction of the tree.
 The act of killing a tree is done.

Q. Who wrote the poem "On Killing  a Tree"?
Ans :Gieve Patel wrote the poem "On Killing  a Tree". 

Q.How does the poet start his poem "On Killing  a Tree"?
Ans:The poet starts his poem "On Killing  a Tree" with irony.

Q.How much time does it take to kill a tree? 
Ans:It takes much time to kill a tree.

Q.How has the tree grown? 
Ans:The tree has grown slowly consuming the earth.

Q.What does the word 'crust' indicate? 
Ans:The  word ''crust'' indicates top layer of earth. 

Q.What does the word 'leprous hide' indicate? 
Ans:The  word ''leprous hide'' indicates rough bark of a tree. 

Q.What does a tree absorb? 
Ans:A tree absorbs years of sunlight, air and water.
Q. What will happen if miniatures boughs are unchecked?

Ans.If miniatures boughs are unchecked, they will expand again to former size.

Q. Where from is the root to be pulled out?
Ans.The root is to be pulled out from the anchoring earth.

Q.Where from is the root to be pulled out entirely?
Ans:The root is to be pulled out entirely from the earth cave.

Q.Why is the root of the tree white and wet?

Ans.  The root of the tree is white and wet because it has been hidden inside the earth for years.

Q. What does the word 'earth cave ' indicate?
Ans:The word 'earth cave ' indicates the gapping hole when the roots are pulled out.

