Textual Grammar of Karma , Karma, : Khushwant Singh



Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -1

Textual Grammar of Karma:Part-2

Textual Grammar of Karma :Part:3

 Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -4

Transformation of Sentence :Karma :Part-5

Textual Grammar of Karma  , Karma : Khushwant Singh:  Part-1

"Karma "

1.Mohan Lal looked at himself in the mirror of a first class waiting room at the railway station. (Split into two simple sentences)   

2.The mirror was obviously made in India. (Split into two simple sentences)   (Change into complex sentence)   

3.Sir Mohan smiled at the mirror with an air of pity and patronage.(Rewrite the sentence using the noun form of the underlined verb)     

4."You are so very much like everything else in this country, inefficient, dirty, indifferent," he murmured.(Change the mode of narration)   

5.The mirror smiled back at Sir Mohan.

(Rewrite the sentence using the noun form of the underlined verb)     

6."You are a bit of all right, old chap," it said. "(Change the mode of narration)   

7. Yes, old fellow, you are a bit of all right." (Change the mode of narration)   

8.Sir Mohan threw out his chest, smoothed his Balliol tie for the umpteenth time and waved a goodbye to the mirror. (Split into two simple sentences) 

9.He glanced at his watch. (Rewrite the sentence using the noun form of the underlined verb)     

10.A bearer in white livery appeared through a wire gauze door.(Change into complex sentence)   

11."Ek Chota," ordered Sir Mohan. (Change the mode of narration) 

12. On a grey steel trunk, Lachmi, Lady Mohan Lal, sat chewing a betel leaf and fanning herself with a newspaper. (Split into two simple sentences) 

13. She wore a dirty white sari with a red border. (Change into complex sentence) 

14.She wore a dirty white sari (Change the voice)

15. As soon as he had gone, she hailed a passing railway coolie.(Use "No.... Sooner.".)

16. she hailed a passing railway coolie.(Change the voice) 

17."Where does the zenana stop?",Lachmi said  to the coolie. 

18.The coolie flattened his turban to make a cushion. (Change the voice) 

19.The coolie flattened his turban to make a cushion, hoisted the steel trunk on his head, and moved down the platform (Split into two simple sentences)

20.Sir Mohan had summoned him inside(Change the voice) 

21.Lady Lal picked up her brass tiffin carrier . (Change the voice)

22.Lady Lal picked up her brass tiffin carrier and ambled along behind him.(Split into two simple sentences)

23.Lady Lal picked up her brass tiffin carrier .(Change into complex sentence) 

24.On the way she stopped by a hawker's stall to replenish her silver betel leaf case, and then joined the coolie (Split up)

25.Lachmi said to the coolie, "Are the trains very crowded on these lines?"(Change the mode of narration) .


Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -1

Textual Grammar of Karma:Part-2

Textual Grammar of Karma :Part:3

 Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -4

Transformation of Sentence :Karma :Part-5

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Textual Grammar of Karma Page :2
