"Didn’t you notice?"- Who said this and to whom? What led the speaker say this? What, do you think, might happen after that?

Q."Didn’t you notice?"- Who said this and to whom? What led the speaker say this? What, do you think, might happen after that? 

Ans:In Ruskin Bond's short story 'The Eyes Have It ',the new male  passenger who had entered the narrator's compartment said this to the narrator. 
The passenger who had entered the compartment after the departure of the girl made a joke with the narrator. He said that he was not as attractive a travelling companion as the girl who had just left the compartment. The narrator indirectly agreed with him.The narrator asked the new passenger if the girl had kept her hair long or short. The man replied that he only looked at her eyes,not her hair.He wanted to know if he had not noticed that her lovely eyes were useless.
Nothing specific was disclosed about the mental state of the narrator.Perhaps the narrator was shocked and surprised to hear that the girl was blind.
