"That always happen" -Who said this and to whom? What was the context? Comment on the irony of situation?


"That always happen" -Who said this and to whom? What was the context? Comment on the irony of situation? 

Ans :In Ruskin Bond's short story "The Eyes Have It " the girl said this to the narrator. 

The narrator asked the blind girl what it was like outside. Then the girl asked him to look out of the window. Both of them were blind. But they did not disclose that they were blind. The narrator pretended to look out of the window of the train compartment to study the landscape. Then the narrator asked if she had noticed that the trees seemed to be moving while they seemed to be standing still. Hearing this , the girl made the above remark.

While travelling in the same compartment, the narrator wanted to hide his blindness from the girl who was also blind. The narrator 's imaginary observation of the moving trees from the running train and the girl's reply -"That always happen "-indicates their ironical situation. 

