Short Questions and Answers of An April Day ; Class-VIII,WBBSE

Short Questions and Answers of An April Day
 An April Day
---Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

When the warm sun, that brings

Seed-time and harvest, has returned again, 'Tis sweet to visit the still wood, where springs The first flower of the plain.

I love the season well,

When forest glades are teeming with bright forms,

Nor dark and many-folded clouds foretell

The coming-on of storms.


From the earth's loosened mould

The sapling draws its sustenance, and thrive Though stricken to the heart with winter's cold, The drooping tree revives.

The softly-warbled song

Comes from the pleasant woods, and coloured wings Glance quick in the bright sun, that moves along

 The forest openings.

When the bright sunset fills

Its shadows in the hollows of the hill,

The silver woods with light, the green slope throws And wide the upland glows.

A. Answer the following questions.

1.Why do you think the poet "loves the season well"?
Ans : The poet loves the spring well .In this season the forest glades  teem with bright forms .Actually it is the season of harvest. The flowers bloom and the birds sing .The trees revive. They are covered with green leaves .

2.Why is it sweet to visit the wood during springtime ?
Ans :The first flower of the plain blooms in the springtime. The softly warbled song of bird comes from the pleasant woods. Coloured wings glance quick in the bright sun . Therefore ,it is sweet to visit the wood during springtime.

3.What does winter's cold do to the tree ?
Ans: The trees are stricken to heart with winter's cold. So the trees droop.

4.What time of the day do you think it is when "the green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hills "?
Ans: The green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hills when the sun sets .
5.Why do you think the poem is titled "An April Day"? Suggest an alternative title .
Ans :The poem is titled "An April Day" because a day of the month of April is described in the beginning of the spring season .
An alternative title of the poem  may be "Lovely Spring".(/"Sweet Spring" ).

6.Who wrote the poem " An April Day"?
Ans: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  wrote the poem " An April Day".

7.Where from does the sapling draw its sustenance ?
Ans: The sapling draws its sustenance from the earth's loosened mould .

8.Where from does the softly warbled song come ?
Ans :The softly warbled song comes from the pleasant woods.

9.What fill the silver woods with light ?
Ans :The bright sunset fills the silver woods with light .

10.Where does the green slope throw its shadows ?
Ans: The green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hill.


 Short Questions & Answers of the poem

                    An April Day

1.Who wrote the poem An April Day ?Ans:Henry Wordsworth Longfellow wrote the poem An April Day .

2.What brings the seed time and harvest ?

Ans:The warm sun brings the seed time and harvest .

3.Who loves the season well ?

Ans :The poet loves the season well .

4.How are the forest glades teeming ?

Ans:The forest glades are teeming with bright forms 

5.Where does the first flower of plain spring?

Ans: The first flower of plain springs in the still wood.

6.Where from does the sapling draw its sustenance?

Ans: The sapling draw its sustenance from the earth's loosened mould.

7.Where from does the softly-warbled song come ?

Ans :The softly-warbled song comes from the pleasant wood .

8.What fills the silver wood with light?

Ans: The bright sunset fills the silver wood with light.

9.What does the green slope throw?

Ans: The green slope throws it's shadows.

10.What revives again?

Ans:The dropping tree revives again.
