Write a paragraph on the water cycle .


Q. Write a paragraph within 100 words on the water cycle ,using the following flow -chart :

Water evaporates from water bodies -rises as vapour -gets heavier-condenses ,forms clouds -falls to earth as rain .


Water Cycle 

Formation of cloud and rain is a natural process .Water cycle is an important cycle of nature  to sustain life on earth .The presence of sun is mainly responsible for the cyclic order .During the day ,different water bodies become hot with sunlight and water evaporates from them .The water vapour rises high up in the sky .As it goes higher ,it comes in contact with the cold atmosphere and gets heavier when condensation starts. Thus the condensed form of vapour creates clouds . When the clouds become more condensed in form and get heavier ,they fall on earth as rain .Thus the earth becomes fertile .Hence the rain water is mixed with the water of the water bodies again .


  1. Water cycle shows the continuous movement of water within the earth and atmosphere. Liquid water evaporates into water vapours, condenses to from clouds and precipitates back to the earth in the form of rain. The way you explain the process of water cycle above is very understanding and simple. It includes mainly four stages evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. Thank you for sharing such a useful information on one of the important science concept. Many science tuition explain this with the help of diagram to clear the concept to students.


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