Write a paragraph on "Nirmal Bangla Abhiyan"


Q.Write a paragraph on  "Nirmal Bangla Abhiyan". 

Nirmal Bangla Abhiyan

"Nirmal Bangla Abhiyan " is a state counterpart of national  "Nirmal Bharat Abbiyan".It is a kind of mission to eliminate open defecation from the rural areas of the state and also to spread awareness and increase sanitization towards safe hygiene behaviour. This mission was launched with  a specific goal to reduce the overall morality and morbidity by reducing changes of water borne and fecal borne disease due to prevalence of open defecation. The west Bengal state Government desires to transform all the villages of this state to Open  Defecation  Free villages by 2nd October 2019.To earn this aim stresses have been given to provide appropriate toilet facilities in school, to improve overall cleanliness in all the villages. The most important objectives of this mission is to make a cleanlier environment and surrounding apart from injecting sufficient awareness among the people. 

