Short Questions and Answers of Nobel Lecture by Mother Teresa


Short Questions  and Answers of Nobel Lecture by Mother Teresa 

 Important Short Questions  and Answers of Nobel Lecture

1.Who wrote "Nobel Lecture"?

Ans: Mother Teresa wrote "Nobel Lecture".

2.Which message does Mother impart? 

Ans: Mother Teresa imparts a message of love.

3.When did St. Francis of Assisi compose the prayer? 

Ans: St. Francis of Assisi composed the prayer about 400-500 years ago.

4.Who being God became man? 

Ans: Jesus being God became man.

5.What did Jesus proclaim very clearly? 

Ans: Jesus proclaimed very clearly that he had come to give the good news.

6.Who loved the world so much?

Ans: God loved the world so much.

7.Who is the son of God? 

Ans: Jesus is the son of God. 

8.Who was the mother of Jesus? 

Ans: Virgin Mary was the mother of Jesus.

9.Why did God give his son?

Ans: God gave his son because 

He loved the world so much. 

10.Who leapt with joy? 

Ans: The unborn child in the womb of Elizabeth leapt with joy.

11.Which prayer did Mother Teresa wish to offer at the beginning of her Nobel Lecture?

Ans : Mother Teresa wished to offer  the prayer composed by St. Francis of Assisi at the beginning of her Nobel Lecture .

12.Who was St. Francis of Assisi ?

Ans: St. Francis of Assisi was a 13th century Italian catholic friar and preacher  who was born at Assisi .

13.What good news did Jesus bring to Earth ?

Ans :Jesus brought the good news of universal love and peace to Earth.

14.In which respect was Jesus different from us ?

Ans :Jesus became man in all things like us except sin.

15.Who is referred to as the son of God ?

Ans :Jesus is referred to as the son of God .

16.What is Holy Communion ?

Ans :Holy Communion is a religious custom of  christians in which Jesus Christ gave his disciples bread and wine.

17.Who was the Prince of Peace ?

Ans :Jesus Christ was the Prince of Peace.

18.What does St. John say ?

Ans :St. John says you are liar if you say you love God but you don't love your neighbour.

19.Whom ,according to St. John, should we love to love God  ?

Ans :According to St. John ,we should love our neighbours to love God.

20."...this is the hunger of our poor people.."-Which hunger is referred to here ?                                 Ans :The hunger for love (felt by poor people) is referred to here.

21.How did Jesus show his greater love to man? 

Ans: Jesus showed his greater love to by the sacrifice of his own life on the cross.
Jesus died on the cross to show his greater love.
22."I never forget an opportunity "-Which opportunity did Mother speak of? 
Ans: Mother spoke of the opportunity she had of visiting an old age home.
23.Why was everybody in the old age home looking towards the door? 
Ans: Everybody in the old age home was looking towards the door because they were expecting that a son or daughter would come to visit them.
24.What struck Mother most in the old age  home ? 
Ans: The thing that struck Mother most in the old age  home was that parents of sons and daughters did not have any smile on their face.
25.Why were the parents of sons and daughters hurt? 
Ans: The  parents  were hurt because they were forgotten by their sons and daughters.
26.Why was Mother Teresa surprised in the West ?
Ans : Mother Teresa was surprised to see so many young boys and girls given to drugs in the West .
27.What is Mother Teresa's point of view about drug addiction among young people ?
Ans :According to Mother Teresa  , many young boys and girls in the West are given into drugs because there is no one in the family ,not even their parents to receive them.
28.What,according to Mother Teresa ,is the greatest destroyer of peace ?
Ans : According to Mother Teresa ,the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion .
29.What does God say very clearly in the Scripture ?
Ans : In the Scripture ,God says very clearly that even if a mother could forget her child ,He would never forget us because He had carved us in the palm of His hand.
30.Why does Mother Teresa consider abortion as the greatest destroyer of peace ?
Ans: Mother Teresa considers abortion as the greatest destroyer of peace because it is a direct killing of an unborn child by mother herself .
31.How is Mother Teresa fighting against abortion?
Ans: Mother Teresa is fighting against abortion by adoption.
32.What are Mother Teresa and her followers teaching?
Ans:Mother Teresa and her followers are teaching natural family planning.
33.Who are very great people?
Ans:The poor people are very great people.
34.Who can teach so many beautiful things?
Ans:The poor people can teach so many beautiful things.
35.Who, according to the poor people, are the best people to teach natural family planning?
Ans:According to the poor people, those people who have vowed chastity are the best people to teach natural family planning.
36.Who are very wonderful people?
Ans:The poor people are very wonderful people.
37."One evening we went out... "- How many people did Mother Teresa and her followers pick up from the street?Whom did Mother Teresa take care?
Ans:Mother Teresa and her followers picked up four people from the street.
Mother Teresa took care of this one who looked worse.
38.What does Mother Teresa believe?
Ans:Mother Teresa believes that they are not real social worker.(They may be doing social work in the eyes of the people, but they are really contemplative in the heart of the world.)
39.Who received the lesson of family planning from Mother Teresa?
Ans:Beggers, leprosy patients, slum dwellers and people of the street received the lesson of family planning from Mother Teresa.
40.What was the appeal of Mother Teresa in India and elsewhere?
Ans:Mother Teresa appealed in India and everywhere to bring the unwanted child back to their loving care.
41:'I'll not eat sugar for three days ''- Who said this and to whom?
Ans:A little Hindu boy of four years said this to his parents.
42.What special quality did the man who was picked up by Mother Teresa from a drain have?
Ans:The man did not blame anybody did not curse anybody and did not compare his fate with anybody.
43.What did Mother Teresa intend to do with the Nobel Peace Prize?
Ans:Teresa intended to make a home for many homeless people with the money received as the Nobel Award.
44.How many dying persons were picked up by Mother Teresa and her associates from the streets of Calcutta.
Ans:More than 36,000 persons were picked up by Teresa and her associates.
45.What step did Mother Teresa take to stop abortion?
Ans. To stop abortion Mother Teresa sent word to all clinics, hospitals and police stations not to destroy the child.
46. ' This is the hunger of our poor people'- Which hunger is referred to here?
Ans:The hunger for love felt by the poor people is referred to here.
47.Why did Mother Teresa look upon abortion as the greatest destroyer of peace.
Ans:Mother Teresa looked upon abortion as the greatest destroyer of peace because it is a direct killing of an unborn child by the mother herself.
48.Who came to visit Mother Teresa from the USA?
Ans:Fourteen professors from different universities of the USA came to visit Mother Teresa.
49.What does Mother Teresa want us to give during the festival of Christmas?
Ans:Mother Teresa wants that we should love God and love each other during christmas.
50.And she gave me a very simple
answer'- Who is 'she' referred to here?
Ans:Here 'she' is the mother of the eight starving children.
