Short Questions and Answers of Thank You Ma'am


সমস্ত প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর পাবার জন্য আমাদের টেলিগ্রাম  গ্রুপে যোগদিতে এখানে স্পর্শ কর,(আমাদের টেলিগ্রাম চ্যানেলের লিঙ্ক ।)

Short Questions and Answers of Thank You Ma'am

A. Answer the following questions each in a complete sentence…

1.Who was the woman ? or What was the full name of the woman ?

Ans: The woman was Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

2.Where did Mrs Jones meet the boy ?&when?

 Ans: Mrs. Jones met the boy on the street  at about eleven o’clock at night  (11 O’ clock)

3. What did Roger do when Mrs. Jones was walking alone? 

Ans: Roger tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones while she was walking alone.

4.Why did Roger fall down when he tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones ?

 Ans: When Roger tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones, the strap of the purse broke and he could not keep his balance and so he fell down .

5.What did Roger wear ? 

Ans : Roger wore a blue jeaned sitter.

6.What was the speciality  of the purse of Mrs. Jones ? or What did the purse of Mrs. Jones contain?  

Ans: It was a large purse.It contained everything except hammer and nails. 

7.  “Now ain’t you ashamed of yourself”--- Why did the speaker say this ? 

Ans: In his bid of to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones ,Roger was caught red handed .That was why she asked him this question .

8.How old was Roger ?

 Ans: Roger was at best fourteen or fifteen years old .

9.How did Roger look? 

Ans: Roger looked as if he were fourteen or fifteen, frail and willow-wild ,in his tennis shoes and blue jeans .

10.Why did Mrs. Jones take the boy with her to her house? 

Ans: Mrs. Jones took the boy with her to her house to clean him up and cook him a meal .

11. What did Mrs Jones want Roger to teach ? 

Ans: Mrs Jones wanted to teach Roger right from wrong  .

12. How did Roger look when he was being dragged by Mrs. Jones? 

Ans: When Roger was being dragged by Mrs. Jones, he was frightened and looked willow wild .

13.  “But you yourself in contact with me”--- How did the person speak to put himself in close contact with the speaker ?

Ans: While trying to  snatch her purse ,Roger came in contact with  Mrs. Jones .

14."Then we ‘ll eat" – Who said this and to whom ?

 Ans: Mrs. Jones said this to Roger .

15. How did Roger know that Mrs.Jones was not living alone in her house ? 

Ans: Roger knew that Mrs.Jones was not living alone in her house because he heard other people laughing and talking .

16.  “You gonna take me jail”—Who said this and Why ?

 Ans: Roger said this as he tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones.

17. On reaching her home what did Mrs.  Jones ask Roger to do ?

Ans:  On reaching her home Mrs.  Jones asked Roger to wash his face.

18. Why did Roger try to snatch the purse of Mrs.Jones ?

 Ans: Roger tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones so that he could buy a pair of blue suede shoes.

19. What did Mrs. Jones prepare for supper ? 

Ans : Mrs. Jones prepared lima beans,ham and cocoa for supper.

20. “He could make a dash for it down the hall” –When did he think so ?

Ans: He thought when he found the door open.

21.Where did Mrs. Jones work ? Ans: Mrs Jones worked in a hotel beauty shop.

22.  “Do you need somebody to go to store ?”—Who said this and to whom ? 

Ans: Roger said this to Mrs. Jones.

23.What kind of women did Mrs.Jones meet in the shop? 

Ans: Mrs. Jones met all kinds of women like blondes ,red heads and Spanish in the shop.

24.What was the parting advice of Mrs Jones to Roger ?

Ans: Mrs Jones advised Roger to behave properly.

25.Why didn’t Mrs. Jones ask the boy about his personal life ?

 Ans: Mrs. Jones did not ask the boy about his personal life lest he should feel embarrassed.

26.What did Mrs. Jones offer the boy?

Ans: Mrs. Jones offered the boy ten dollars.

27.What did Roger want to say to Mrs Jones?

Ans: Roger wanted to say something else other than “Thank you Ma’m” to Mrs Jones

28. What did Roger barely manage to say before Mrs.Jones shut the door?

Ans : Roger barely managed to say  “Thank you”  before Mrs. Jones shut the door.

29. “Half nelson” means--- (a) a wrestling hold 

30. “Latching” means --- (a) fastening  

 31.  “lima beans” means— large flat edible seeds

32. “Eat some more, son’—Who said this and to whom? 

Ans: Mrs.Jones said this to Roger.

33.  “That will be fine”-Who is the speaker ?

 Ans: Roger is the speaker ./The speaker is Roger.
