Story of Hare and Tortoise


The Story of The Proud Hare and Humble Tortoise.

😃The Proud Hare and Humble Tortoise🙃

Once a hare and tortoise lived in a forest. The hare always boasted of his speed. He made fun of the tortoise for his slow speed. One day he challenged the tortoise to run a race. The tortoise accepted the challenge. The race began and in no time the hare was way ahead of the tortoise. The hare thought that he could take some rest .And he fell asleep under the shade of a tree. The tortoise, on the other hand, kept on running till he reached the finishing point. When  the hare woke up , he realized that he had lost the race.

🤔MoralSlow and steady wins the race.

The Proud Hare and Humble Tortoise

Once, a hare and a tortoise lived in a forest. The hare always boasted about his speed and made fun of the tortoise for being slow. One day, he challenged the tortoise to a race, and the tortoise accepted. As the race began, the hare quickly sprinted far ahead of the tortoise. Feeling confident, the hare decided to take a rest and fell asleep under the shade of a tree. Meanwhile, the determined tortoise kept steadily moving forward until he reached the finish line. When the hare woke up, he realized that he had lost the race."

Moral :Slow and steady wins the race
