Short questions and answers of the poem "Brotherhood"


Short questions and answers of the poem "Brotherhood"  . 

Brotherhood :Homage to Claudius Ptolemy 

1.Who wrote the poem "Brotherhood"? 

Ans :Octavio Paz wrote the poem "Brotherhood".

2."I am a man "- Whom does the word 'man' refer? 

Ans:Here the word 'man' refers to human being.

3.How does the poet introduce himself in the poem " Brotherhood "?

Ans:The  poet introduces himself as a man in the poem " Brotherhood. 

4."I am a man "-Explain the line. /What does the poet want to say?

Ans:The  poet introduces himself as a man in the poem " Brotherhood.

5."little do I last "-What does the line suggest? 

Ans:The  line suggests that human life is transient. (brief/short)

6."little do I last "-What does the poet want to say here? 

Ans : Here the poet wants to say that his life is  transient. 

7.How is night? 

Ans: The night is enormous. 

8.Why is the night enormous? 

Ans:The night is enormous because it represents the whole universe. 

9.What does the poet say by 'night is enormous '?

Ans:By the expression 'night is enormous' the poet means to suggest that the life beyond is limitless. He also suggests that the mysterious and unknown life after death.

10.Why does the poet look up? 

Ans :The poet looks up to search for the true import of his limited existence on the earth. 

11.What does the poet see when he looks up?

Ans:When the poet looks up, he finds the starts write his destiny. 

12.Who, according to Octavio Paz, writes the destiny of man? 

Ans:According to Octavio Paz,the stars in the sky writes the destiny of man.

13."Unknowing I understand "-What does the poet understand? 

Ans:The poet understands that human life is transient and that life's purpose is determined by the stars.

14. " I too am written"-What does the line suggest? 

Ans:The line suggests that the purpose of human life has been written in the sky i.e it is predestined. 

15."someome spells me out"-Who is referred to here as someone? 

Ans :Here someone refers to either God or reader of the poem. 

16.What does the poet present in the poem "Brotherhood "?

Ans :In the poem "Brotherhood " the poet presents the apparent insignificance of the human being only to reverse his predicament.

17.What do the stars control in the poem "Brotherhood "?

Ans ::In the poem "Brotherhood" the stars control the whole universe including the human world and its rhythm. 

18.What does 'brotherhood' suggest here? 

Ans: Here 'brotherhood' suggests the relationship that unifies everything in the vast universe quite organically.

Question Paper 2023


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