Which answers were received by Tsar for his three questions from the learned men?


Which answers were received by Tsar for his three questions from the learned men?

Answers: The learned men came to answer the Tsar's three questions.They all answered his questions differently. In reply to the first question, some said that the Tsar must draw up in advance a table of days, months and years and follow it strictly. Others said that it was impossible to decide in advance the right time for doing something. Others said that he should make a council of wise men who would help him to fix the proper time. Some other said that it was only the magicians who would help him to fix the proper time.The learned men answered his second question differently. Some said the councillors were the right person. Others said that the Tsar should listen to the priests only. Again some declared that they were none but the doctor. A few were for the warriors. In reply to the third question,some replied that the most important thing in the world was science. Some said that fighting and religious worship were most important things.
