Sketch the character of hermit in Leo Tolstoy’s story “Three Questions”.


Q.Sketch the character of hermit in Leo Tolstoy’s story “Three Questions”.

Q.Describe the character of hermit.                                                                                                                                                              

Ans: Hermit is one of the principal characters of Leo Tolstoy’s story “Three Questions”. He lives in a wood. He is widely renowned for his wisdom. People respect him. He lives a simple life .He has a self dignity .The ruler of the land, Tsar holds him in high esteem. He receives only common folk. The hermit is self supporting .He works alone. He is frail and weak. The Tsar meets him. He has three questions. But he does not give the answer immediately .He wants that the Tsar should himself find his answers. As a teacher he believes in value of self teaching .He is a great teacher .He teaches the Tsar to teach himself .He is simple and he is an ideal human being whose only mission in life is to do good to all mankind.                                                                                               
