Important Textual Grammar of Karma


Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -1

Textual Grammar of Karma:Part-2

Textual Grammar of Karma :Part:3

 Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -4

Transformation of Sentence :Karma :Part-5

Textual Grammar of 'Karma' Page -3

1. The signal came down and the clanging of the bell announced the approaching train.(Split into two simple sentences)

2. Lady Lal hurriedly finished off her meal. (change the voice)

3.She got up, still licking the stone of the pickled mango. (Split into two simple sentences)

3.She emitted a long, loud belch. (Change the voice)

4.She went to the public tap to rinse her mouth and wash her hands.(Turn into simple sentence)

5.After washing she dried her mouth and hands with the loose end of her sari, and walked back to her steel trunk, belching and thanking the gods for the favour of a filling meal.(Split into two simple sentences)

6.The rest of the train was packed. (Change the voice)

7.She heaved her squat, bulky frame through the door and found a seat by the window. (Split into two simple sentences )

8.She produced a two-anna bit from a knot in her sari and dismissed the coolie. (Split into two simple sentences )

9.She produced a two-anna bit from a knot in her sari and dismissed the coolie. (Turn into simple sentence)

10. Then she rested her chin on her hands and sat gazing idly at the jostling crowd on the platform. (Split into two simple sentences )

11.Then she rested her chin on her hands..(Change the voice)

12.The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal's sang-froid.(Change the voice)

13. He continued to sip his scotch and ordered the bearer to tell him. (Split into two simple sentences )

14.He had moved the luggage to a first-class compartment.(Change the voice)

15.Excitement, bustle and hurry were exhibitions of bad breeding and Sir Mohan was eminently well-bred. (Split into two simple sentences )

16. Sir Mohan had acquired the manners and attitudes of the upper classes.(Change the voice)

17.But he fancied his English, finished and refined.(Change the voice)

18.He was fond of conversation, and like a cultured Englishman, he could talk on almost any subject-books, politics, people.(Split into two simple sentences )

19.She then opened her betel case and made herself two betel leaves charged with a red and white paste, minced betel nuts and cardamoms. (Split into two simple sentences )

20.She then opened her betel case. (Change the voice )


Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -1

Textual Grammar of Karma:Part-2

Textual Grammar of Karma :Part:3

 Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -4

Transformation of Sentence :Karma :Part-5
