Write a newspaper report within 100 words on a boat capsize


Q.Write a newspaper report within 100 words on a boat capsize. Use the following hints: 

place-date-number of people in the boat-cause-casualties-rescue operations-steps taken by the Government.


By a Staff Reporter

Bhadreswar, Hooghly, 12th October 2022:A severe boat capsize took place at Bhadreswar yesterday(,the 11th October 2022).The accident occurred at about 10 a.m near Bhadreswar Ferry Ghat on the Ganges. The boat was carrying about 80 passengers. It was beyond the capacity of the small boat.The boat already overcrowded got caught in the high tide when it was in the middle of the river. It lost its balance and overturned after hitting a vessel standing close. All the passengers on board fell into the river. The local fishermen, noticing the mishap, rushed in for rescue. The disaster management group also reached the spot soon.The local people and disaster management group started the rescue operation. 20 bodies were rescued among them were three women and two children.40 passengers swam across the Ganges and reached the land nearby. The disaster management team kept searching till late on that day but none of the twenty could be traced.The government declared compensation for the dead and the injured passengers.
