How did the enemy of the King become friend with the king in Leo Tolstoy’s "Three Questions"?


Q. How did the enemy of the King become friend with the king in Leo Tolstoy’s  "Three Questions"? /Describe the meeting between Tsar and Wounded man. /How did the Tsar and the hermit treat/nurse the wounded man?                                                                                                                                                                                    


The Tsar met the wounded man near the hermit’s hut. The bearded man came out of the wood .He was running towards the hermit’s hut .He fell flat before the Tsar where the Tsar nursed him till he revived.(There was a large wound in his stomach .It was bleeding profusely. The Tsar washed the wound and bandaged it with his handkerchief and with a towel from the hermit.But the blood would not stop flowing .The Tsar again and again removed the bandaged soaked with warm blood. He washed and rebandaged the wound.He brought fresh water and gave it to him .Then he and hermit carried the wounded man into the hut and led the man on the bed.).When the man came back to consciousness and realized that the Tsar had saved his life, he repented .He asked for pardon and promised to serve his savior faithfully throughout his life. The Tsar readily accepted his friendship. He forgave the man and promised to restore his property. 
