How did the Tsar get answers of his three questions from the hermit? /How did the hermit explain the answers of Tsar's three questions ?


Q. How did the Tsar get answers of  his three questions from the hermit?  /How did the hermit explain the answers of Tsar's three questions ?                 

Ans : The hermit explained the answers of Tsar's three questions.  (The hermit told the Tsar that he had got his answers). In the first step the most important time for Tsar was when he had been digging the ground. It was because he had not to face his enemy .The hermit was then the most important man for him. And the most important occupation was his doing good to hermit .In the second case the time of attending to the wounded man was the most important time for the Tsar and the wounded man was the most important person for him. The act of doing well to the wounded man was the most important business of his life.  According to hermit the most important time is present..The most necessary man is always the person with whom he is. The most important affair is to do good to the person before him because for that purpose alone man is sent into this life.             
