Textual Grammar of Karma part 2


Class -XI


Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -1

Textual Grammar of Karma:Part-2

Textual Grammar of Karma :Part:3

 Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -4

Transformation of Sentence :Karma :Part-5

 Textual Grammar of  Karma,Part: 2

1. You'll find room in the zenana.(Change the voice) 

2.Lady Lal opened the brass carrier.(Change the voice) 

3.Lady Lal opened the brass carrier and took out a bundle of cramped chapattis and some mango pickle. (Split into two simple sentences) 

4.Lady Lal opened the brass carrier and took out a bundle of cramped chapattis and some mango pickle.(Turn into simple sentence) 

5."Are you travelling alone, sister?",the coolie said.

6."No, I am with my master, brother," Lachmi said.

7. He is a vizier and a barrister.  (Split into two simple sentences) 

8.I can't understand English and don't know their ways.(Split into two simple sentences) 

9.I can't understand English.(Change the voice) 

10.Lachmi chatted away merrily. (Use the noun form of the word "merrily") 

11.She was fond of a little gossip and had no one to talk to at home. .(Split into two simple sentences). 

12.She lived in the upper storey of the house and he on the ground floor. .(Split into two simple sentences). 

13.He did not like her poor illiterate relatives. (Turn into affirmative sentence) 

14. He came up to her once in a while at night and stayed for a few minutes..(Split into two simple sentences). 

15.He came up to her once in a while at night and stayed for a few minutes..(Turn into simple sentence).

16.He just ordered her about in anglicised Hindustani, and she obeyed passively. (Split into two simple sentences).


Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -1

Textual Grammar of Karma:Part-2

Textual Grammar of Karma :Part:3

 Textual Grammar of Karma:Part -4

Transformation of Sentence :Karma :Part-5
